Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Pictures Post!

So I went to the bookstores back home and took lots of pictures of books! Some of them were of books that were out early and others are of books that I wanted to take pics of so that the authors can be like "LOOK! My book is out in stores that aren't near me!" There's also a picture of one of my cats being cute. That's at the end.

As for the VCA Vlog Trilogy conclusion, I talked for too long, so I need to break it up into two parts. And I have no idea when I'll post it. In My Mailbox this week will most likely just be one vlog as I only got like 5 or 6 books this week, unless I get like 50 BAJILLION BOOKS in the mail today, but that is doubtful. I do have some fun ones though! :)

Anyway, here's the first pic and the rest are behind the cut (um, apparently, there is no cut... I stole what we normally use at GLW to hide posts but it's not working here for some reason)!

Here's a picture of What Would Emma Do? by Eileen Cook- this is the first time I think I've actually seen them in a store. By the way, these pictures are not the best. They probably would've been better if I had someone with me, but taking pictures of books alone just looks weird, so I had to do them kinda fast.

This one is of Bones of Faerie by Janni Lee Simner. I had forgotten this book came out this month and was a bit surprised to see it there, but there it was. YAY! It looks like a great book.

A copy of Absolutely Maybe by Lisa Yee! They had two copies- one is facing out (cuz I put it there for the pic) and then there's one on the shelf just to the left of it. Doesn't the cover look great?! Also in the pic to the left is a copy of The Debutante by Kathryn Williams, which is absolutely hilarious and is awesome.

Copies of Amor and Summer Secrets (facing out) and Adios to All the Drama! (to the left- spine out) by Diana Rodriguez Wallach. :) YAY! I love this series and was happy to see copies of it here. Last time I was there, they had the second book Amigas and School Scandals but I guess they sold out and never restocked or something.

I probably wouldn't have taken a photo of this book had the author and I not been emailing on Myspace just a few days ago. This features Wherever Nina Lies by Lynn Weingarten. They had like two copies, I think, but yay that they're facing out!! :) Look, Lynn, it's your book- YAY!

It's Far From You by Lisa Schroeder!! They had a lot of copies of this and they actually had some in the New Teen Fiction section up front when I first went this past Monday, but by Thursday, when I went back again to take more pics, they had taken them off there and put them in the teen section. But at least they're still facing out. You can also see Elizabeth Scott books to the right as well as Lisa's first book to the left of Far From You.

I just reviewed 11 Birthdays earlier this week on the myspace blog, so I went on a search to look for it in the bookstore. Borders has an odd way of doing Middle Grade novels- they divide it up into like 5 different sections- Friendship, Animals, Humor, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, and several other things, so it took me a while to find certain things and unfortunately didn't find Take the Reins, which they said was in the Animals section, but it wasn't. Blah. But I found 11 Birthdays as well as ...

Yes! Copies of Taylor Morris' Total Knockout (Look at all those copies!) and Class Favorite! The reason I took the picture at this angle are two-fold: 1) There was a lady just a little bit down the aisle and she wouldn't go away and I didn't want her seeing the camera and me taking pictures (how weird is that?) and 2) Her books are RIGHT NEXT TO Lauren Myracle's Winnie series and The Fashion Disaster That Changed My Life!!! Taylor, be glad there aren't many authors between MO and MY, lol. I'm excited that whenever I get published, I'll be right in between people like Holly Black and Ann Brashares, and very near Meg Cabot!

Here's where I make the transfer from Borders to B&N and guess what I found? Hardcover copies of North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley!!! On the display for new teen fiction!! They had 3 copies of it. It looks fantastic in the dust jacket and everything. I can't wait to read it- I've got the ARC in my room and should be getting to it soon! And you can see a glimpse of Kisses and Lies by Lauren Henderson to the right.

Here's the new teen fiction display which features a ton of awesome books. I'll point out a few:

Top Left: Revelations by Melissa de la Cruz, Eon: Dragoneye Reborn by Alison Goodman, Paper Towns by John Green
Left, second shelf: Wondrous Strange by Lesley Livingston, Parties and Potions by Sarah Mlynowski
Left, third shelf: My Fair Godmother by Janette Rallison (I LOVE THAT COVER!)
Left, bottom shelf: Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott, Wicked by Sara Shepard
Right, second shelf: ABCs of Kissing Boys by Tina Ferraro, Top 8 by Katie Finn, Coraline by Neil Gaiman
Right, third shelf: You Are So Undead to Me by Stacey Jay (only 1 copy, though I can't remember if they had more under J in the regular shelving), Boy Toy by Barry Lyga
Right, bottom shelf: Golden Girl: A Bradford Novel by Micol Ostow, Shadow Kiss by Richelle Mead, It's A Mall World After All and How to Take the Ex Out Of Ex-Boyfriend by Janette Rallison

I took this picture to mainly show off Triple Shot Bettys in Love by Jody Gehrman (middle of top shelf) and the paperback of Girl Overboard by Justina Chen Headley (left, bottom shelf) but it turns out I also got Envy by Anna Godberson, the third book in the Luxe series, in the shot as well. At the Borders store, they had a whole display for the Luxe series with the Envy hardcover and The Luxe and Rumors paperbacks. I haven't yet read that series, but I love the covers!

And, last but not least, what I mainly came to photograph,

Take the Reins by Jessica Burkhart! It took me a little while to find cuz it was hidden in a corner in the Young Readers series section, despite it only having one book in the series out so far... But anyway, they had four copies and I took one out to show off the lovely cover. You can't see the fourth copy because with the angle I took it out, the book facing out is covering it, lol. I apologize for the glare too.

And that's all. I know I promised the cute cat pic, but I have yet to upload it, so you'll have to wait until I do my next Picture post when I go to the B&N here in Lynchburg and take pics of stuff there (don't worry, it won't be as many- my B&N doesn't get a whole lot of new books, but they do have Take the Reins!)

Friday, January 30, 2009

In My Mailbox- Week of Jan. 19 Part 2

So it's late and Youtube FINALLY decided to upload my video successfully. Here it is:

More to come- I've got a meme to do which Just Blinded Book Reviews tagged me for, and then I took some pictures of books in my bookstore (including some featuring early copies of stuff! YAY!) back in the area where my parents live as well as a pic of all the audio books I checked out (it's A LOT). And of course the conclusion to the VC Andrews vlog trilogy, in which I show off my collection of VC Andrews books. YAY! :)

Oh and also, go check out the newest He Said, She Said on GuysLitWire, which Little Willow posted yesterday, all about Thirteen Reasons Why! Please leave a comment cuz we love getting them! Plus, my comment's lonely right now. :(

PS As I'm talking about the male cat (black one), you can hear him meowing from outside my door, lol. It's like he knew I was talking about him!!! :O

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Waiting on Wednesday (7)

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies features the original text of Jane Austen's beloved novel with all-new scenes of bone-crunching zombie action. As our story opens, a mysterious plague has fallen upon the quiet English village of Meryton—and the dead are returning to life! Feisty heroine Elizabeth Bennet is determined to wipe out the zombie menace, but she's soon distracted by the arrival of the haughty and arrogant Mr. Darcy. What ensues is a delightful comedy of manners with plenty of civilized sparring between the two young lovers—and even more violent sparring on the blood-soaked battlefield as Elizabeth wages war against hordes of flesh-eating undead. Complete with 20 illustrations in the style of C. E. Brock (the original illustrator of Pride and Prejudice), this insanely funny expanded edition will introduce Jane Austen's classic novel to new legions of fans.

My Thoughts: I saw this on Sarah MacLean's blog yesterday morning and was instantly laughing. Doesn't this book look AWESOME?!! Now, I haven't read the original, but I would so read this. Kudos for such an awesome idea!

Also, I posted three new reviews and a QnA on the myspace blog- go check it out!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Random News

So I went to the bookstore today (Borders) and they actually had copies of Invisible Touch by Kelly Parra (three of them, to be exact)! Yes, the book that has a small excerpt from my review of Graffiti Girl in it! My dad bought it for me, along with Breathe My Name by R.A. Nelson and Velvet Rope Diaries by some lady (I don't remember the name). Those books were part of their Bargain priced Buy 1, Get 1 Free event. I'll be showing them off when I do Part 2 of my In My Mailbox vlog.

Also, took a couple pictures of books on the shelves, though I think the only people who may be excited about those would be the authors themselves. I found What Would Emma Do and Bones of Faerie. I also found Absolutely Maybe, Adios to All the Drama, and one or two others but my dad was ready to go, so I wasn't able to get photos of those. But I'll get them before I head back to Lynchburg, lol.

In reading news, I finished up Dust of 100 Dogs by AS King and started up 11 Birthdays by Wendy Mass last night, and finished that just a little bit ago. Up next is Cracked Up to Be by Courtney Summers and also to finish In Too Deep by Jennifer Banash.

In audiobook news, I checked out 10 audiobooks from my library here near my parents' place with two more available on hold and I may grab one or two more from the shelves. I will take a picture once I'm back at the apartment and can't check out anymore books from that library, lol, so you can see what I got.

OK, that's about it. :) What have you all been reading lately?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

In My Mailbox- Week of Jan. 19 Part 1

I hope this is loud enough. As mentioned yesterday, I did this video shortly after waking up, so I may not have been coherent enough to realize I needed to be louder. Hope you guys enjoy this, and Part 2 will come on either Tuesday or Wednesday.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Fresh New Voice of YA- Eileen Cook Guest Blog!

Just a quick bit of news before the guest blog- I will be posting Part 1 of In My Mailbox tomorrow, but Part 2 won't be posted until Tuesday or Wednesday since I will be at home with my parents these next few days and I won't be able to see what comes in the mail today and also won't be able to record anything since my parents are always around, and then they'll ask questions and I don't feel like answering those questions, lol. I just recorded Part 1 after waking up this morning about half an hour ago so you'll get to see me sorta bleary-eyed and groggy. But I think I was understandable enough.

And now, the guest blog!:

Every writer I know is a reader. When someone tells me they want to be a writer I can tell if they are serious by looking for two factors:
1) They actually write instead of talking about writing; and
2) They read- a lot.

My parents were big readers. We made weekly trips to the library and our house was always stuffed with books piled on every surface. As soon as I was able to understand the concept that someone actually got to make up the stories in books, I knew I wanted to do exactly that. I've always been a book lover. A Reader with a capital R.

How to tell if you are a fellow Reader:

* The destination of your vacation often takes second place to what books you plan to bring with you for the trip

* When your favorite writers come out with a new book you greet the occasion with the same level of joy as a lover returning from the war.

* You have more than one bookshelf in your house stacked high with books.

* Right now next to your bed there are at least two books.

* You are an addict and bookstores are your crack house. You actually get the shakes when you walk near one.

* Your librarian knows you by name.

* If you meet someone who tells you they don't like to read you think they are shifty.

* When you find a new writer you like it is like a new love relationship. You are giddy to know their backlist, you hope they won't disappoint you, and you bore your friends by talking about them all the time.

* When you see a complete stranger reading a book by an author you like you feel an immediate bond with them.

* If you are ever trapped without something to read you will read anything. This includes genres you typically don't read, Popular Science Magazine, and the side of cereal boxes.

As a writer I know it is far easier to go back and read nothing but your favorite authors. It is something that I fall prey to myself. So many books, so little time. I encourage you to make one of your New Year goals to read someone you haven't before. Give a new writer a shot- you never know when you'll find a new love.

Eileen Cook

Friday, January 23, 2009

Good/Bad News and VC Andrews Vlog Trilogy Part 2

So, some good/bad news- I found out yesterday that a shipment didn't come in on time at my workplace, and so therefore they have nothing for me and my co-data entriers to do. And so we've been given a temporary break until Feb. 9 while they work everything out, and then we'll be back at full force. Now, it's bad news because I won't be getting paid for another month (after next Thursday's paycheck for the 3 days I work this week, I won't have any more until Feb. 19) and so need to keep an eye on my budget, though luckily I have enough to last me. The good news though is that I've got a break and that I will now have lots of time to read books, so I'll be stocking up on reviews so that I can keep posting on the myspace blog when work starts up again. And I may also be going to the Ann Brashares signing in Bethesda, MD or Annapolis, MD in early Feb since I've got the time off now! That should be fun if it happens. I'm heading home this weekend for my uncle's birthday and am staying there for a few days to get my car serviced at the dealership and have a dental appt (ugh).

Anyway, earlier today, I posted reviews for What Would Emma Do? and Take The Reins on the myspace blog as well as posted a contest! Click here to read the entry!

And now, the second part of the VC Andrews vlog trilogy!:

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Fresh New Voice of YA- Interview with Jessica Burkhart

Today's the day for the interview with Jessica Burkhart! You can find it below. Tomorrow, on the myspace blog, I'll be posting the reviews of What Would Emma Do? and Take the Reins. And then on Saturday, I've got Eileen Cook's guest blog to be posted here!

How did you get the idea for Take the Reins, and the Canterwood Crest series as a whole? How many books can we expect in the series, and when are they due to come out?

Take the Reins started as a young adult novel that later shifted into middle-grade. I made the book my tween dream scenario of boys, a fancy school and a top-notch riding program. At first, I was resistant to writing about horses because I’d been a rider for most of my life until I had spinal surgery at thirteen. When I wrote Take the Reins, I hadn’t ridden horses in six years and I thought writing about them would make me sad. But it was the opposite! I threw myself into the Canterwood world and lived out my riding fantasies through my characters. :)

There are eight books in the series and the pub schedule looks like this:

Chasing Blue (#2) out March 24, 2009

Behind the Bit (#3) out May 19, 2009

Triple Fault (#4) out August 11, 2009

Books five through eight will have pub dates announced soon!

2) Are you working on anything new that's not Canterwood Crest- related? Can you tell us anything about it?

Currently, I’m not contracted on any book projects that aren’t related to Canterwood Crest. But I’m still freelance writing on the side and have a variety of pieces coming out this year.

3) You're really young, at 21 (almost 22) to be a published author (actually the same age as me!). What prompted you to want to get published? Also, what brought you to write for the tween/YA genre? Were you a fan of the genre before writing Take the Reins?

I wanted to get published after reading a zillion teen magazines and thinking, “Hey! I can do this!” Nothing sounded cooler than writing and getting paid for it

I started Take the Reins as a YA because I knew the situations in the story wouldn’t fit an adult novel. When Take the Reins changed to a middle-grade, it actually gave me more freedom to grow my characters from a younger age. I get to stay with them longer than if Take the Reins had stayed as YA.

I was a huge fan of the tween/YA genre before I wrote Take the Reins. I hadn’t read as much recent middle-grade, but I’d read lots of YA. Now, I try to read an even amount of both to stay current with what’s out there.

4) What are you reading right now, or are about to start?

I just picked up Meg Cabot’s Ransom My Heart. I haven’t started it yet, but plan to today!

5) Do you have any New Year's Resolutions, or do you not do any of that?

Oh, man. So many resolutions! I tried to pick ones I could control such as meeting all of my deadlines, writing more and worrying less. You know, simple things! :)

6) Are you like your character Sasha at all? Or are you more like another character in the book?

I’m definitely most like Sasha. We both love movies, TV, lip gloss, chocolate scented body wash, horses and books. As a tween, I almost obsessed with the things she worries about like boys, zits and friends.

7) According to your bio on your site, you've done some volunteer work and spearheaded an organization over the years. What has been your most rewarding experience with all of this? Is there any particular memory that sticks out the most?

I spent several years volunteering for my local Humane Society. Now, I work with Shriners Hospital for Children where I had a spinal fusion in 2000. In 2001, I started “Str8 Spines for Shriners,” a support group for kids and teens who need advice before surgery. We joke about how awful the food will be and what they can expect before and after surgery. I think it helps to get support from someone who has been through it.

The most rewarding experience was my work with the Humane Society. The shelter saved cats and dogs from certain death at the local pound and I’ll never forget that. One of the favorite memories is of a Persian cat that came into the shelter. He was covered in sores and infested with bugs. We have to shave off all of his fur and bathe him in this awful shampoo. He never complained once and was grateful for any attention. The shelter owner and I spent months getting him back to good health. When he was adopted by a great family, I cried for hours! I was so thrilled that he’d found the family he deserved.

Thanks so much Jessica for answering these questions!! :)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Waiting on Wednesday (6)

Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Mantchev
Enter Stage Right.

All her world's a stage.

Beatrice Shakespeare Smith is not an actress, yet she lives in a theater.

She's not an orphan, but she has no parents.

She knows every part, but she has no lines of her own.

Until now.

Welcome to the Théâtre Illuminata, where the characters of every play ever written can be found behind the curtain. They were born to play their parts, and are bound to the Théâtre by The Book--an ancient and magical tome of scripts. Bertie is not one of them, but they are her family--and she is about to lose them all and the only home she has ever known
(summary from author's myspace)

My Thoughts: Aside from the fact that this cover is absolutely gorgeous (and I am saddened that ARCs won't have this fantastic cover on them), I absolutely love the plotline. I'm a huge theatre fan, as some of you know from watching my VCA Trilogy Part 1, in which I talked about how I found Ruby while at stage crew, so this is right up my alley. I'm so excited to get it!

Release date should be around July 7, 2009.

Also, check out the myspace post featuring Jessica Burkhart's guest blog!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Fresh New Voice of YA- Excerpts!

Hey everybody! Here's the special vlogs I had planned for this week! I decided to expand Fresh New Voice of YA to also include this blog and I'll be flip-flopping back and forth between this and my myspace blog. Today, I'm posting vlogs in which I will be reading excerpts from the spotlighted books. The first video is What Would Emma Do? by Eileen Cook and the second video is Take the Reins by Jessica Burkhart, which my camera cut off suddenly, but it actually cut off at a really good stopping point, so it's all good, lol.

Give me feedback (positive, negative, indifferent, angry, etc) in the comments as to what you think of this new feature. If you have any suggestions too, feel free to leave them in the comments!

Before I show the videos, be sure to check out the interview with Eileen Cook that I posted on the myspace blog on Monday. And now, the videos!:

Hope you guys enjoyed these! :) Tomorrow, I'm posting a guest blog from Jessica Burkhart on the myspace blog!

Monday, January 19, 2009

In My Mailbox- Week of Jan. 12 Part 2

Here's the thrilling conclusion! A tiny word about the ending: My batteries ran low again and the camera shut off, so that's why it ends a bit abruptly. However, since I'd shown off everything, I figured there was no need to re-do it.

I hope to have VCA Part 2 up later this week, and I've also got two surprise vlogs which will be posted on Tuesday! I'm excited for them, and I hope you all enjoy them!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

In My Mailbox- Week of Jan. 12 Part 1

Broken up into two parts as I got 12 books this week and also because I talk about a couple extra things, lol. Anyway, I decided that for those who might not be able to view the video for some reason (on dialup, don't have time, etc.), I'm going to list the books I talk about in the video, so you still are aware of what I received:

1) Finalized copy of What Would Emma Do? by Eileen Cook and signed by her
2) Rampant by Diana Peterfreund (ARC)
3) Wishful Drinking by Carrie Fisher (from library)
4) The Seventh Daughter, Warrior Princess (hardcover), and Faerie Path manga by Frewin Jones

I think that's all. Anyway, here's the video. Enjoy!!

ETA: GRAWR!!! I HATE YOUTUBE!!! So I leave the vlog to process while I sleep and IT'S STILL NOT DONE. So I deleted it and uploaded it again and now it's still taking forever. I'm gonna keep checking on it throughout the day, so hopefully it'll get posted soon. If you guys also want to check on it, you can go to my Youtube channel:

ETA the Second: It's up! Here it is! Thanks to Alea for letting me know! :) Also, I got my first ever Youtube comment on the first part of my VCA Trilogy today! And it wasn't a spammer! YAY!

Look for Part 2 on Monday! :)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

VC Andrews Vlog Trilogy Part 1

So many of you probably already know all about the VC Andrews "Read the Good Trash" Movement that Taren and Steph started up a couple weeks ago, right? Well, even though I'm a secret participant, I decided to make up for that by doing a short series of vlogs about my love for VCA. Here's how it should go:

Part 1 (posted today)- History: My Introduction to the Wonders of VC Andrews
Part 2 (posted sometime next week)- History: Going up to the Present-Day
Part 3 (posted the week after Part 2)- A video showing off all my VC Andrews books.

So here's Part 1. I hope you guys enjoy it! And if there's anything else you want me to talk about in regards to VC Andrews, I can always add on future vlogs, so just leave suggestions in the comments. Even if I don't know necessarily what you want me to talk about, I will just ramble on and on with absolutely no point.

In My Mailbox is coming tomorrow!! Keep an eye out for it! :)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Vlog Update

So I completely forgot to post the first part to the VCA Vlog Trilogy this week, so you guys will be getting lots of vlogs this weekend, lol.

Saturday- VCA Vlog Trilogy Part 1
Sunday- In My Mailbox Part 1
Monday- In My Mailbox Part 2

I had to divide it up because I got so many books this week. Plus, I tend to ramble when I talk so yeah.

Anyway, gotta get to work! Just wanted to keep you guys posted!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Waiting On Wednesday (5)

Yes, finally, a regular blog post after so many vlogs! lol. Here's my pick for this week's Waiting on Wednesday:

Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen
It’s been so long since Auden slept at night. Ever since her parents’ divorce—or since the fighting started. Now she has the chance to spend a carefree summer with her dad and his new family in the charming beach town where they live.
A job in a clothes boutique introduces Auden to the world of girls: their talk, their friendship, their crushes. She missed out on all that, too busy being the perfect daughter to her demanding mother. Then she meets Eli, an intriguing loner and a fellow insomniac who becomes her guide to the nocturnal world of the town. Together they embark on parallel quests: for Auden, to experience the carefree teenage life she’s been denied; for Eli, to come to terms with the guilt he feels for the death of a friend.

In her signature pitch-perfect style, Sarah Dessen explores the hearts of two lonely people learning to connect.

My Thoughts: I've only read two Dessen books so far (Just Listen and Lock and Key), but I'm eager to read more and this new one sounds really good! This book will be released on June 16, 2009.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

In My Mailbox- Week of Jan. 5 Part 2

Here's the thrilling conclusion. I hope the ending to the story is to everyone's satisfaction. If it's not... well, too bad cuz that's how it actually happened. Hope you all enjoy it!

I hope to have another vlog up in the middle of the week- the start of the VC Andrews vlog trilogy. And I'm always open to suggestions on other topics to talk about in future vlogs. I only have so much creative energy when it comes to new issues and topics.

Although actually I do have a discussion vlog I'd like to post. Gotta remember to do that sometime.

In My Mailbox-Week of Jan. 5 Part 1

This was not meant to be a two-parter, just a kinda long one parter but due to low batteries, it cut off in the middle of my story. So check back tomorrow for Part 2, which is much shorter!

Hope you enjoy it!

Also, if you go to my Youtube page, you can subscribe so that you'll know when I post something new and can see videos I don't post here, such as the one featuring our cat Maya! :) Here's the link to my Youtube page:

Friday, January 9, 2009

First ever vlog!!

So my computer came a lot faster than I expected so I was able to upload my vlog more quickly! So here is the first ever vlog talking about the books I got the week of Dec. 28, I think. Hope you enjoy!!

(Side note: I think I look and sound retarded in the video, so try not to focus so much on that, lol)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Waiting on Wednesday (4) + Computer Update

So I'm stealing this from a couple of people, but it is still something I TOTALLY want.

The Awakening by Kelley Armstrong
Book II in the Darkest Powers trilogy takes us deeper into a world where the supernatural intrudes on the everyday with riveting effect.

If you had met me a few weeks ago, you probably would have described me as an average teenage girl – someone normal. Now my life has changed forever and I’m as far away from normal as it gets. A living science experiment – not only can I see ghosts, but I was genetically altered by a group of people who call themselves The Edison Group. What does that mean? For starters, I’m a teenage necromancer whose powers are out of control: I raise the dead without even trying. Trust me, that is not a power you want to have. Ever.

I’m running for my life with three of my supernatural friends – a charming sorcerer, a cynical werewolf, and a disgruntled witch – and we have to find someone who can help us gain our freedom back before The Edison Group finds us first. Or die trying.

My Thoughts: I absolutely loved the first book of this series and have been DYING to read the sequel since I finished the first book last summer when I reviewed it for HarperTeen FirstLook. I'm gonna try and get an ARC, though I'm sure it's futile to try.

And now, computer update! My sister put in the order on Monday night and it was shipped out last night (Tuesday) and should be at my apartment anytime between this Friday and next Tuesday. So hopefully, if I get it this weekend, there'll be some vlogs posted!! :) I'm so excited!!

Monday, January 5, 2009


There's gonna be no official In My Mailbox post this week, only because I took the time to do a vlog about it! However, since I have no computer to upload it to, it shall have to wait, lol. But that doesn't mean you won't get to know what I got cuz I'm gonna provide a list:

Canterwood Crest: Take the Reins by Jessica Burkhart (from Jessica herself)
There's No Such Thing as the Real World by Various (an anthology I randomly got from HarperTeen)
and The Secret Rites of Social Butterflies by Lizabeth Zindel (ARC that Steph so kindly sent me)

So anyway, my computer can't be fixed unless I give it to Dell, and I have no idea how much it would cost since it's a major part that needs to be taken care of. So I'm basically getting a new laptop- my sister found me one on and is buying it for me (I'll be reimbursing her- she's not that kind, lol) later today, so hopefully in a couple of weeks, I'll be back online and can post things like vlogs and also post regular entries on here like I used to.

Once that's all taken care of, I can start posting vlogs. I will probably do In My Mailbox and Booking Through Thursday posts as vlogs (and Ask Book Chic over at the myspace blog), but I'd also like to do other vlogs too about a variety of things, so here's where you all come in!

What would you like to see me talk about and/or do in a future vlog?

Oh, and I've already decided to talk about VC Andrews in a vlog, so no need to mention that in case any of you thought of it, lol.

Hm, I think that's all the news I've got. Check out my latest myspace blog entry for a fun contest!!