Saturday, January 24, 2009

Fresh New Voice of YA- Eileen Cook Guest Blog!

Just a quick bit of news before the guest blog- I will be posting Part 1 of In My Mailbox tomorrow, but Part 2 won't be posted until Tuesday or Wednesday since I will be at home with my parents these next few days and I won't be able to see what comes in the mail today and also won't be able to record anything since my parents are always around, and then they'll ask questions and I don't feel like answering those questions, lol. I just recorded Part 1 after waking up this morning about half an hour ago so you'll get to see me sorta bleary-eyed and groggy. But I think I was understandable enough.

And now, the guest blog!:

Every writer I know is a reader. When someone tells me they want to be a writer I can tell if they are serious by looking for two factors:
1) They actually write instead of talking about writing; and
2) They read- a lot.

My parents were big readers. We made weekly trips to the library and our house was always stuffed with books piled on every surface. As soon as I was able to understand the concept that someone actually got to make up the stories in books, I knew I wanted to do exactly that. I've always been a book lover. A Reader with a capital R.

How to tell if you are a fellow Reader:

* The destination of your vacation often takes second place to what books you plan to bring with you for the trip

* When your favorite writers come out with a new book you greet the occasion with the same level of joy as a lover returning from the war.

* You have more than one bookshelf in your house stacked high with books.

* Right now next to your bed there are at least two books.

* You are an addict and bookstores are your crack house. You actually get the shakes when you walk near one.

* Your librarian knows you by name.

* If you meet someone who tells you they don't like to read you think they are shifty.

* When you find a new writer you like it is like a new love relationship. You are giddy to know their backlist, you hope they won't disappoint you, and you bore your friends by talking about them all the time.

* When you see a complete stranger reading a book by an author you like you feel an immediate bond with them.

* If you are ever trapped without something to read you will read anything. This includes genres you typically don't read, Popular Science Magazine, and the side of cereal boxes.

As a writer I know it is far easier to go back and read nothing but your favorite authors. It is something that I fall prey to myself. So many books, so little time. I encourage you to make one of your New Year goals to read someone you haven't before. Give a new writer a shot- you never know when you'll find a new love.

Eileen Cook


  1. * When you see a complete stranger reading a book by an author you like you feel an immediate bond with them.

    This is so true!!! My friends don't really read so I'm super happy if I find someone that reads the same books.

    * When you find a new writer you like it is like a new love relationship. You are giddy to know their backlist, you hope they won't disappoint you, and you bore your friends by talking about them all the time.

    I do it all the time and don't even know my friend is tired of it until she suddenly changes the subjects twice or three time.

    Thanks for the great guest blog Eileen and Book Chic :D

  2. Great guest blog - I loved it and I was nodding in agreement the whole time!

    So, Book Chic, your parents don't know about your blogging habit?

  3. Thao- Thanks so much for commenting!! :)

    Lenore- They know about it, but I'd rather not do vlogs while they're in the vicinity. I mean, I don't even do vlogs at the apartment unless my roomie is out somewhere, lol. I prefer to do the vlogs alone. Well, except for the cats. But they can't tell anyone, so it's ok.
