Sunday, January 25, 2009

In My Mailbox- Week of Jan. 19 Part 1

I hope this is loud enough. As mentioned yesterday, I did this video shortly after waking up, so I may not have been coherent enough to realize I needed to be louder. Hope you guys enjoy this, and Part 2 will come on either Tuesday or Wednesday.


  1. I love Pushing Daisies! I'm still sad it got cancelled!!!

  2. Yay! I got Faketastic too! Can't wait to read it!
    And lucky you--TTR! I'm going to the bookstore today, so hopefully they have it! (:

  3. When you said Penguin, I thought you were going so say you got Along for the Ride. And then I was like "I will hate him. I will hate him if he got that. I will hate him."

    But you didn't say it, yay!

  4. Hahaha! I loved seeing your cat's tail bob in and out of the frame. Awesome.

  5. Alea- I just watched the first episode the other night, and I really enjoy it. Besides, it's got Lee Pace in it from Wonderfalls (he's the Piemaker) and he's SO HOT! I love him. And I loved Wonderfalls, and I knew this would have the quirky, offbeat humor I like. Oh and apparently, my roomie LOVES this show and I didn't know it. She was so excited when she saw that I had bought it. Since I went home this weekend, I left Pushing Daisies at home so she could watch it since she'll be alone all weekend. I also took out Wonderfalls for her; hopefully she'll like that too.

    Bookworm- Yeah, I have two copies of TTR now, lol. One for giveaway and one for keeps. I know my bookstore has it; I plan on taking photos when I go, lol.

    Khy- Haha, I wish. I do plan on getting Along for the Ride though. If I do, I may send it your way. As it is, I may send you another ARC along with Rampant (which btw isn't coming out until Sept now). I can't remember what ARC though, lol.

    Lenore- lol, I love seeing that too. It makes me giggle. He's such a cute cat! I may upload another video featuring him and his impression of Bagland, lol.

  6. YES! I love Pushing Daisies more but Wonderfalls is great too. He is SO CUTE! And I love how cheap the dvd was too! Have you seen The Fall, it's a great movie and not just because Lee Pace is in it! It's from the director of The Cell, but not creepy gross like it.

  7. I haven't received my reviewer's copy of Faketastic either! I will probably go out and purchase it this week.

  8. Hehehe - I would so watch a video like that multiple times.

  9. Alea- No, I haven't seen (or heard of) that movie. And I was really loving the sale price too- it was the last copy on the shelves!

    Shalonda- Yeah, Alexa thinks the publisher is being a bit lax with getting the books out. Maybe give it another week?

    Lenore- haha, his reaction to it is hilarious too. :)

  10. Khy is getting Rampant from you?! Lucky her!

    Can't wait to see Part II of IMM! :)

    Oh and I saw your comment on Rachael's blog. Yes, Blogger Trading Post is YA Book Swap. It used to be called Blogger Trading Post but I changed the name.

    Speaking of which...when are you going to participate in YA Book Swap?

  11. Rampant isn't out until SEPTEMBER? Now I am even more grateful to get it from you. :D

  12. Carolina- Yeah, she's borrowing it. Do you want to borrow it once she's done? I won't be getting to it until the Sept. release date, so I'm fine loaning it out to fellow bloggers if they want it.

    And I should hopefully be participating more in YA Book Swap soon. When I was working, I barely had time to do a lot of things, but now that I'm on the break, I'll be participating soon!

    Khy- Yep. I got an email about it from the publicist who sent it to me last week. I'm sad about it being pushed back, but at least it's only by a few months and not like a whole year, like with Bennett Madison's Blonde of the Joke.

  13. Wow, Rampant is coming out so late. I can't waiiitt to read it.
