Monday, January 26, 2009

Random News

So I went to the bookstore today (Borders) and they actually had copies of Invisible Touch by Kelly Parra (three of them, to be exact)! Yes, the book that has a small excerpt from my review of Graffiti Girl in it! My dad bought it for me, along with Breathe My Name by R.A. Nelson and Velvet Rope Diaries by some lady (I don't remember the name). Those books were part of their Bargain priced Buy 1, Get 1 Free event. I'll be showing them off when I do Part 2 of my In My Mailbox vlog.

Also, took a couple pictures of books on the shelves, though I think the only people who may be excited about those would be the authors themselves. I found What Would Emma Do and Bones of Faerie. I also found Absolutely Maybe, Adios to All the Drama, and one or two others but my dad was ready to go, so I wasn't able to get photos of those. But I'll get them before I head back to Lynchburg, lol.

In reading news, I finished up Dust of 100 Dogs by AS King and started up 11 Birthdays by Wendy Mass last night, and finished that just a little bit ago. Up next is Cracked Up to Be by Courtney Summers and also to finish In Too Deep by Jennifer Banash.

In audiobook news, I checked out 10 audiobooks from my library here near my parents' place with two more available on hold and I may grab one or two more from the shelves. I will take a picture once I'm back at the apartment and can't check out anymore books from that library, lol, so you can see what I got.

OK, that's about it. :) What have you all been reading lately?

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been to Borders in several weeks, I can't believe it! It's probably for the best. I'm reading North of Beautiful right now!
