Friday, January 23, 2009

Good/Bad News and VC Andrews Vlog Trilogy Part 2

So, some good/bad news- I found out yesterday that a shipment didn't come in on time at my workplace, and so therefore they have nothing for me and my co-data entriers to do. And so we've been given a temporary break until Feb. 9 while they work everything out, and then we'll be back at full force. Now, it's bad news because I won't be getting paid for another month (after next Thursday's paycheck for the 3 days I work this week, I won't have any more until Feb. 19) and so need to keep an eye on my budget, though luckily I have enough to last me. The good news though is that I've got a break and that I will now have lots of time to read books, so I'll be stocking up on reviews so that I can keep posting on the myspace blog when work starts up again. And I may also be going to the Ann Brashares signing in Bethesda, MD or Annapolis, MD in early Feb since I've got the time off now! That should be fun if it happens. I'm heading home this weekend for my uncle's birthday and am staying there for a few days to get my car serviced at the dealership and have a dental appt (ugh).

Anyway, earlier today, I posted reviews for What Would Emma Do? and Take The Reins on the myspace blog as well as posted a contest! Click here to read the entry!

And now, the second part of the VC Andrews vlog trilogy!:


  1. Your right we do judge the covers of books before we read them. I try not to but its sometimes hard. :D


  2. They did a couple of reissues of Flowers in the Attic with brighter, happier covers, if you want to pick up one of them. My old copy fell apart, so I had to get the bright blue one with gold writing. There's also one that's all pastelly (is that even a word?). You're right, we all do judge covers -except with VCA you know that no matter who or what is on the cover, the people inside are all inevitably going to be screwed up.
