Friday, January 9, 2009

First ever vlog!!

So my computer came a lot faster than I expected so I was able to upload my vlog more quickly! So here is the first ever vlog talking about the books I got the week of Dec. 28, I think. Hope you enjoy!!

(Side note: I think I look and sound retarded in the video, so try not to focus so much on that, lol)


  1. Yay for your computer and your vlog! You have to do in your mailbox like this all the time (or a lot of the time for time's sake)!

    I'm very looking forward to the first book you talked about ;)

  2. Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'll be doing it every week, so don't worry, you'll be seeing plenty of me and my room, lol.

    Perhaps next time you'll see my bookcase!

  3. Oh my gosh, yes let's see your bookcase!

  4. haha well, it's one of two, and I'm planning on getting another soon because the two aren't enough.

    And you'll at least see it when I do my VCA post since I'll be showing off my collection.

  5. Yes! I love vlogs. So much easier for me to keep up with since I can subscribe. ;)

  6. Cool. I look forward to seeing more of your vlogs.

  7. Yay! I am so glad your new computer came. Loved the Vlog and can't wait for the next one! You're braver than I am, I refuse to do videos because I hate the way I sound. But, your's turned out great!

  8. yay! i loved your vlog! i've been trying to view it all day and i kept getting a stupid screen that said the video was no longer available! grr! but it finally worked! I thought it turned out great! SO cute JAMES!

  9. Great vlog! I'm dying to read Canterwood Crest--it looks fab!

  10. Yay, I'm so glad your computer came and vlogs are super fun. I can't wait for the next one and I want to see your bookcases like Alea too!! :)

    I did a Vlog once, and I think I sound and look half crazy, but ah's fun. I'd do it again but it never wants to let me upload it now.


  11. BC - It's so cool to put a face with your name!

    And YAY for the new computer!!!
