Sunday, January 11, 2009

In My Mailbox-Week of Jan. 5 Part 1

This was not meant to be a two-parter, just a kinda long one parter but due to low batteries, it cut off in the middle of my story. So check back tomorrow for Part 2, which is much shorter!

Hope you enjoy it!

Also, if you go to my Youtube page, you can subscribe so that you'll know when I post something new and can see videos I don't post here, such as the one featuring our cat Maya! :) Here's the link to my Youtube page:


  1. Haha! I like your stories! I've never seen packaging like that before! And yay for another collection of stories/essays from YA authors, I already added it to my wishlist! And booo for boring white covers!

  2. Apparently, my camara doesn't like my stories, lol.

    Maybe when I'm done with Does This Book Make Me Look Fat?, I'll send it your way. Since it's a hardcover, it might be harder for you to obtain cuz those cost more.

    And yes, a big BOO to white covers- I've got several like that, such as The Blonde of the Joke, Warrior Princess, and now this one.

  3. Yeah maybe your camera just fell asleep lol! Just kidding! You are too kind! You don't have to send it to me! Why am I working if not to support my book habit ;P At least they could like make the cover a color or have a small picture of the cover, that's at least slightly better!

  4. Great vlog. I would take it. lol I don't mind missing out on pretty covers. A.S. King was so sweet to lend you her book. I'll have to check out some of your other vids so I can see Maya.

  5. I love that look you had when you were putting the weird packaging to the side. Priceless. I've never gotten anything like that. The ones I hate are the white bubble wrap envelopes that you have to cut open because they're so sticky and you can't pull the flap open.

    Oh, and is it just me or is the sound really low?

  6. Aww like the first thing I noticed were your VCA books! What was that, Logan, Wildflowers, and what other series? I'm so you're going to be doing some VCA blogs!

  7. Oh, I really want to read Does This Book Make Me Look Fat, too--jealous! Also hate that packaging.

  8. Amee- The sound is low. I think I may be too far away from my camera and therefore need to speak louder. I'll work on that for future vlogs- maybe I'll redo Part 2 and do it louder to see if that fixes it.

    And I think I've gotten that packaging before too- it's not fun.

    Taren- I have My Sweet Audrina and then everything from the Logan series up to the Shadows series. I'll be going through my whole collection as part of the trilogy. There's gonna be a two part history of my introduction to VCA and then a look at my collection.

  9. Amee- PS Using headphones and turning everything as high as it can go helps a lot, lol.

  10. Yeah I just turned the volume up all the way and that worked!

  11. i get that stupid packaging too! grrr. And I also have a copy of September Sisters with the stupid white cover!

    I can't wait until part two... did you get the book or what!? Are you talking about What Would Emma Do?

  12. Oh, I feel sad that my book is the only ARC without the pretty cover! And I just thought all ARCs were that way -- I didn't even realize!! If it makes you feel any better, the ARCs were actually printed before the cover was even finished.

  13. Kristi- lol, you'll have to wait and see. ;)

    Jillian- That does make me feel better. But really, it doesn't matter all that much. What counts the most is on the inside. :)

  14. Ooh I have DEATH BY DENIM too and I love that series so I can't wait to start!

    White covers=blah. I agree.

  15. I don't mind white covers either, and yay for getting The September Sisters. The pretty cover IS nice though.

    I have all the Death By books now, even the last one, so I need to get those read to review before the last one comes out...I hope at least! lol

    Yay for vlogs!

