Monday, January 5, 2009


There's gonna be no official In My Mailbox post this week, only because I took the time to do a vlog about it! However, since I have no computer to upload it to, it shall have to wait, lol. But that doesn't mean you won't get to know what I got cuz I'm gonna provide a list:

Canterwood Crest: Take the Reins by Jessica Burkhart (from Jessica herself)
There's No Such Thing as the Real World by Various (an anthology I randomly got from HarperTeen)
and The Secret Rites of Social Butterflies by Lizabeth Zindel (ARC that Steph so kindly sent me)

So anyway, my computer can't be fixed unless I give it to Dell, and I have no idea how much it would cost since it's a major part that needs to be taken care of. So I'm basically getting a new laptop- my sister found me one on and is buying it for me (I'll be reimbursing her- she's not that kind, lol) later today, so hopefully in a couple of weeks, I'll be back online and can post things like vlogs and also post regular entries on here like I used to.

Once that's all taken care of, I can start posting vlogs. I will probably do In My Mailbox and Booking Through Thursday posts as vlogs (and Ask Book Chic over at the myspace blog), but I'd also like to do other vlogs too about a variety of things, so here's where you all come in!

What would you like to see me talk about and/or do in a future vlog?

Oh, and I've already decided to talk about VC Andrews in a vlog, so no need to mention that in case any of you thought of it, lol.

Hm, I think that's all the news I've got. Check out my latest myspace blog entry for a fun contest!!


  1. Can't wait for some vlogs! I think that will be great especially for In My Mailbox!

  2. Oh, the In My Mailbox WOULD make a great vlog. I'm excited.

    Yay for Take the Reins and There's No Such Thing as the Real World. They both sound awesome!!

    I'm not sure what else you could vlog about...hmmm....

