Friday, January 16, 2009

Vlog Update

So I completely forgot to post the first part to the VCA Vlog Trilogy this week, so you guys will be getting lots of vlogs this weekend, lol.

Saturday- VCA Vlog Trilogy Part 1
Sunday- In My Mailbox Part 1
Monday- In My Mailbox Part 2

I had to divide it up because I got so many books this week. Plus, I tend to ramble when I talk so yeah.

Anyway, gotta get to work! Just wanted to keep you guys posted!!


  1. Can't wait to see what books you got! :)

  2. I love your rambling stories, that's how I am too! I swear sometimes people don't read what I say in my ramblings. LOL!

    Cannot wait for all the vlogs!

  3. Alea- I'm glad you like my stories, lol. I have another funny one this week. :) It'll be in Part 1!
