Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Fresh New Voice of YA- Excerpts!

Hey everybody! Here's the special vlogs I had planned for this week! I decided to expand Fresh New Voice of YA to also include this blog and I'll be flip-flopping back and forth between this and my myspace blog. Today, I'm posting vlogs in which I will be reading excerpts from the spotlighted books. The first video is What Would Emma Do? by Eileen Cook and the second video is Take the Reins by Jessica Burkhart, which my camera cut off suddenly, but it actually cut off at a really good stopping point, so it's all good, lol.

Give me feedback (positive, negative, indifferent, angry, etc) in the comments as to what you think of this new feature. If you have any suggestions too, feel free to leave them in the comments!

Before I show the videos, be sure to check out the interview with Eileen Cook that I posted on the myspace blog on Monday. And now, the videos!:

Hope you guys enjoyed these! :) Tomorrow, I'm posting a guest blog from Jessica Burkhart on the myspace blog!


  1. Thank you, thank you! I can't wait to get Eileen's book. It sounds fantastic. :)

  2. I have so been looking forward to Take the Reins; what an awesome way to get a sneak preview!

  3. OOOh I'm so thrilled to get to be a part of your new vlog experiment! It was great to hear Jessica's book too- it sounds great.

  4. Can't wait to see the guest blog. I CAN NOT WAIT to read TTR!!!!! OMG I totally want a copy. Like, NOW. LOL (:

  5. Thanks a lot for the 'TTR' excerpt.

  6. Jessica- It is fantastic- you definitely need to go buy and read it. It's absolutely hilarious!

    Saundra- I'll be doing this with your book too next month, so get thinking on an excerpt you want me to read!

    Eileen- I just finished Jessica's book last night and it's great! You should definitely check it out.

    Bookworm- haha, you should go get a copy then. I know it's in some bookstores already (not mine though, sadly).

    Jim- No problem! Hope you liked it!
