Sirenz by Charlotte Bennardo and Natalie Zaman
"Bickering frenemies Meg and Shar are doing some serious damage at a midnight sample sale when the fashionistas find themselves arguing over a pair of shoes-with fatal consequences. One innocent bystander later, the girls are suddenly at the mercy of Hades, Lord of the Underworld himself. To make them atone for what they've done, Hades forces the teens to become special-assignment Sirens, luring to the Underworld an individual whose unholy contract is up.
Finding that delicate balance between their fashion addiction and their new part-time job in the eternal hellfire biz turns out to be harder than Meg and Shar expected, especially when an entire pantheon of Greek deities decides to get involved. Then there's the matter of the fine print in their own contracts..."- summary from Amazon
I love books that involve mythology of some sort because it's just a big interest of mine. This novel combined two of my favorite things- mythology and humor, thus becoming a favorite. Meg and Shar's story is fast-paced with quite a few twists and turns thrown in to complicate things a bit.
I really enjoyed both of these characters and liked seeing them learn to love each other throughout the book. Also, even though the book is co-authored and the story is told from both Meg and Shar's perspectives, it didn't feel like two people wrote this book. Bennardo and Zaman did a wonderful job making the voice and tone cohesive throughout.
The other great thing about this book is that the ending is an actual end despite there being two more books coming out in the future. The book is pretty self-contained and I'm interested to see where the authors take it next.
Overall, a really awesome book and, though it's set in winter, a perfect summer read!
Charlotte and Natalie will be signing copies of Sirenz at the PAYA Festival next Saturday, August 27, so if you're in the area, stop by!
FTC: Received finished copy at BEA (signed!). Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.
This looks so great! Thanks. It also looks quirky and dramatic enough for me to recommend it to the girls in my grade! Thanks James!