Sunday, December 12, 2010

In My Mailbox- Week of December 6 + Retrospective

I did a LONG video for just a couple books and some swag. I ramble too much; I also adopt a Southern Belle accent and wave a fan. That probably got your attention. It's almost 11 minutes long. Enjoy!

Books Shown:

A Time of Miracles by Anne-Laure Bondoux (Nov. 2010)
Darkest Mercy by Melissa Marr (Feb. 2011)
Rival by Sara Bennett Wealer (Feb. 2011)
Blessed by Cynthia Leitich Smith (Jan. 2011)
The Vespertine by Saundra Mitchell (Mar. 2011) plus some awesome swag
Bookmarks for The Day Before by Lisa Schroeder

Also, it's too late (it's past midnight and I've been up since 7:30am!) for me to write about the Stephanie Perkins event, but it should be up next Sunday. It's a pretty short recap, but it still involves energy and the like to write it.

Here's what I did this past week:

Monday- I did a list of 5 things that happened to cross my mind 10 minutes before this entry was scheduled to post.

Tuesday- I reviewed Violet in Bloom by Lauren Myracle, which is out in stores now.

Wednesday- I interviewed Michele Jaffe, author of Bad Kitty and Rosebush.

Thursday- I reviewed Rosebush by Michele Jaffe, which is out in stores now!

Friday- As part of Fragment Friday, I read a section from Spray by Harry Edge, out in stores now.

Saturday- I reviewed Fallen Angel by Heather Terrell, which will be out in stores Dec. 28.

Please comment on some of these because no one's commented on them yet and they're all wonderful posts, esp. the interview!!


  1. Wait for Summer, you'll be loving that fan even more. Trust me. I carry mine around everywhere during the hot months. It has saved lives - as in prevented me from killing, while stuck on a traffic jam.

  2. I do declare, that is HIGHlarious! :D So glad you're enjoying the possessed fan. :D

  3. It was YOU who was in front of me at Anna! I knew I recognized you, in fact I wrote about the "nameless" guy on my blog! Cool, I can now go insert your blog link! Steph was awesome, wasn't she?

    Happy reading!

    If you want to know what I got in my mailbox this week, check out my blog here-
    Merry Christmas!
    Gabrielle Carolina

  4. so jealous of Darkest Mercy!!

    i LOVED that fan too! ha!

    fantastic book week!

  5. Love your vlog, James (and the fan too!). I am definately adding you to my blog list :)
    Have a wonderful Sunday.
