Saturday, July 10, 2010

In My Mailbox- Week of July 5 + Retrospective

Got quite a few books this week, but I don't remember them all. Here's most of them:

Forbidden Sea by Sheila A. Nielson
X-Isle by Steve Augarde
7 Souls by Barnabas Miller and Jordan Orlando
The Red Umbrella by Christina Gonzalez (who I met at ALA!)
Bright Young Things by Anna Godberson sampler (it's a big one- 84 pages!)
What Happened on Fox Street by Tricia Springstubb (ARC)
and two other books I can't remember. I'm at home with my parents so can't go look, lol.

And now my Retrospective-

Monday- I reviewed Brilliant by Rachel Vail.

Tuesday- I reviewed Girl Parts by John M. Cusick and DAMN this got a lot of comments!

Wednesday- I posted the 6th edition of Ask Book Chic, where I talk about 1st vs. 3rd person, reading for fun vs. reading for review, and why boys don't read as much as girls.

Thursday- I reviewed Forgive My Fins by Tera Lynn Childs.

Friday- I started up a new meme where you read a small excerpt from whatever you're currently reading. I chose Real Live Boyfriends by E. Lockhart, out in December 2010! Also, there's a contest to name the meme and the winner has free reign over my shelves and gets to choose any book. Contest ends July 14!

Please comment on my Brilliant review, Ask Book Chic, and Forgive My Fins review as all didn't really get all that much love. I was surprised at how many people commented on Girl Parts- by the time I was at work at 8am, there were already like 9 comments on it. It was amazing. I wish all my posts were like that, lol.

Next week is Fresh New Voice of YA for July, where I'll be featuring Anastasia Hopcus, author of Shadow Hills, and Tricia Rayburn, author of Siren. Be sure to check all those posts out!!


  1. Great books! You got quite the haul. Happy reading. :]

  2. Oh wow! A copy of Girl Parts! I'm so excited to read it!

  3. I've heard good things about 7Souls! Enjoy!

    Hope you have a chance to check out my IMM!
    The Unread Reader

  4. Great mailbox this week! Hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my mailbox :)

  5. I hope that you will enjoy your books. Here's mine.
