Monday, July 12, 2010

Fresh New Voice of YA- Tricia Rayburn Interview

1) How did you get the idea for Siren?

The idea for Siren came about because of my somewhat recently developed fear of all creatures of the deep. I love swimming and the beach, but despite having done so countless times growing up, I now won't go swimming AT the beach. I'm too scared of jellyfish, crabs, sharks—you name it! This fear made me think about what else might be lurking beneath the surface, and Siren grew from there.

2) What was The Call like? Tell us all about it.

I was extremely fortunate to receive several exciting calls about Siren. The first few were from my agent; we received multiple offers from publishers, and she called each time she learned of a new one. Then, on the day of the auction, I talked to Regina, my wonderful editor, after we knew Egmont had won. It was overwhelming in a great way. There are never any guarantees that what you're writing will be something anyone else will want to read, so I was—and will forever be—a combination of thrilled and grateful.

3) You were at BEA this year. Did you have time to wander around and pick up some books? Which ones were you excited for, and were you able to get them?

I was only in NYC for a few hours that day and had other Egmont events to attend, so unfortunately, I didn't have much time to wander around. But I'm very much looking forward to Matched by Ally Condie and Fat Vampire by Adam Rex!

4) What book(s) are you working on now? Can you tell us anything about it?

I just finished the first draft of Siren 2, and now I'm working on a fun new middle-grade project. It's in the very beginning stages so I can't say much, but I'm very excited about it!

5) What book(s) are you reading now, or are about to start?

I just finished The Accidental Billionaires by Ben Mezrich, about the founding of Facebook, and now I'm reading Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford.

6) What is your favorite Jelly Belly jelly bean flavor?


7) Siren mainly takes place in a beach town. Did you base that or any of the businesses on a real place?

Siren takes place in Winter Harbor, which is a real town on Maine's coast. I chose it after learning the harbor never freezes, not even in the middle of winter. (This unusual characteristic contributes to a key plot development!) But I've spent a lot of time in New England, and Betty's Chowder House and other spots in the books are based on various waterfront restaurants and businesses I've visited over the years.

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