Friday, July 9, 2010

Excerpt Vlog Meme- Real Live Boyfriends by E. Lockhart

Hey everyone! So Pam and Susan said that I should start a weekly meme where people read a bit from whatever they're reading currently. However, we don't have a name for it. So please help us come up with a name for this meme and spread it far and wide! It'll happen every Friday, so I'd kinda like the word "Friday" to be in the title somewhere. If we pick your title, you get to take a look at my bookshelves and pick whatever you want from it!

Anyway, today's pick is Real Live Boyfriends by E. Lockhart, which will be out in stores December 28, 2010! I got this one at ALA the other week and have read it already and LOVE it! Hope you guys enjoy the excerpt!

This contest will go until next Wednesday, July 14 at 11:59 pm EST. I'll announce the winner next Friday when I'll be reading from Siren by Tricia Rayburn as part of Fresh New Voice of YA week!


  1. Here be mine! Thank you so much James!

  2. So it's kind of a tongue-twister :P

    Friday Reading Freebie

  3. This is a great idea! When I get back home and back to a camera I can record with I will participate in this as well :) Now for a name...hmm...Friday's Flip Through...haha this is hard. Good luck finding a name you like :)

  4. What about Fragment Friday? (Fragment is a synonym for excerpt, and it is alliterative.)

    Great idea for a meme - it is as fun to see and hear the bloggers as it is to hear the stories.

  5. not sure on a name, but i played along! you can check out my Vlog Teaser here:

  6. Oh!! That was an awesome excerpt!!

    Good luck with the Meme's name (I never know how to actually pronounce that either).

    My suggestion: Reading Out-Loud Friday.

    I wish I participate but I don't know anything about recording, and I don't think my webcam even likes me.

    But it's an awesome meme.


  7. Thanks for all the comments and wonderful suggestions so far!! :)

    Pam and Stacey, thanks for participating on the inaugural run (and to Meaghan too, once she records and uploads)! I wanted to comment on your blog, Stacey, but my work computer doesn't like your comment box for some reason, lol. I'll check it out when I get home later today!

  8. You make me laugh, like a wild fire except not killing anyone!

    Great except, except I didn't like that last line! I WANT Ruby and Noel to have a HEA.

    Can I vote for Kellie's better than anything I came up.

  9. This sounds so cool! I'll have to join in next week! Here are some name ideas:

    Read to me Friday
    Friday Stories
    Friday Read Aloud

  10. Love this idea...not sure of a name but here is my post for the week. =)

  11. thanks for the teaser. i can't wait for this book. :]

    my name idea?

    Fresh Read Friday
    or uh, Freshread Friday if you wanna combine the words? haha.

    or even Free Read Friday. whichever. :]

  12. How about "Bookchic's Friday Finds"?

    It's definitely not original-sounding but compact.

  13. Cool! Cannot wait to read this book.

    How about "Out Loud Friday" or "Fridays Out Loud"?
