Restoring Harmony by Joelle Anthony
"The year is 2041, and sixteen-year-old Molly McClure has lived a relatively quiet life on an isolated farming island in Canada, but when her family fears the worst may have happened to her grandparents in the US, Molly must brave the dangerous, chaotic world left after global economic collapse—one of massive oil shortages, rampant crime, and abandoned cities.
Molly is relieved to find her grandparents alive in their Portland suburb, but they’re financially ruined and practically starving. What should’ve been a quick trip turns into a full-fledged rescue mission. And when Molly witnesses something the local crime bosses wishes she hadn’t, Molly’s only way home may be to beat them at their own game. Luckily, there’s a handsome stranger who’s willing to help."- summary from Amazon
I haven't read many dystopian novels, but I feel like I need to read more because the plots are always so interesting. It's a bit weird too to see how our world could turn out in the not-too-distant future. Anthony has a wonderful voice and Molly's journey is a really interesting and occasionally fast-paced story.
I really enjoyed the romance in the book, though it's just a fairly minor thing. It builds up slowly and realistically and ends on a happy note. I liked the idea of a group (sorta mafia-like) be in charge of the town and keep an eye on who does what and who gets what. The suspense in having to get away from them keeps the pages turning and is such an interesting addition.
Seeing that Molly had a hobby too that was used a lot made the character more realistic. Being in this sort of world where you don't have much, you put so much into one thing that makes you happy and it was nice to see that in Molly. You also don't see the fiddle much anywhere, so it was cool to have that be her instrument of choice.
Overall, this is a fantastic debut that I suggest you all pick up!
FTC: Received book from Around the World tours. Link above is Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.
Very good revies.
Great review. It sounds like a great book, very stylistically like one that I have on pre-order, Minder , its technically YA, but still complex.