"When seventh grader Georges (the s is silent) moves into a Brooklyn apartment building, he meets Safer, a twelve-year-old coffee-drinking loner and self-appointed spy.
Georges becomes Safer's first spy recruit. His assignment? Tracking the mysterious Mr. X, who lives in the apartment upstairs. But as Safer becomes more demanding, Georges starts to wonder: how far is too far to go for your only friend?"- summary from Amazon
I really enjoyed Stead's previous book and was really excited to read this one. It sounded really interesting- I love spy activity. It didn't disappoint. I loved all the characters; they were all very unique and captivating. Stead wrote a fascinating book about friendship and, to a smaller extent, family. It's a short book so most of the focus is on Georges and Safer's spy activities, but Georges' relationship with his parents is included a bit and there's a whopper of a reveal toward the end of the book, which I didn't see coming.
Overall, I'll be keeping an eye on Stead from now on. Her books are just wonderful to read. I also loved that this one had a bit more humor in it than When You Reach Me.
FTC: Received e-galley from Netgalley. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.
This book is wonderfully written, and is very captivating! I love it!