Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Withering Tights by Louise Rennison

Withering Tights by Louise Rennison
"Wow. This is it. This is me growing up. On my own, going to Performing Arts College. This is good-bye, Tallulah, you long, gangly thing, and hellooooo, Lullah, star of stage.

Tallulah Casey is ready to find her inner artist. And some new mates. And maybe a boy or two or three.

The ticket to achieving these lofty goals? Enrolling in a summer performing arts program, of course. She's bound for the wilds of Yorkshire Dales—eerily similar to the windswept moors of Wuthering Heights. Tallulah expects new friends, less parental interference, and lots of drama. Acting? Tights? Moors? Check, check, check.

What she doesn't expect is feeling like a tiny bat's barging around in her mouth when she has her first snog."- summary from Amazon

Withering Tights was an amazing book. I've been really excited for this book since I found out about it last summer when it was released in the UK. Rennison is a truly gifted writer and I love reading every book she puts out. Her humor is just so hilarious and there's a laugh on every page.

Tallulah is a wonderful character and though there's a similar Rennison style to the writing, the humor that comes from Tallulah is a bit different from Georgia. It's a kind of new side and it was fun to read that. There is of course a huge, wacky cast of characters that are around, and I loved Tallulah's new friends, her performing arts school teachers, and the hot boys. I preferred Alex the most, with Charlie a close second even with the twist at the end.

I also like how the book ended on a definite note because I do remember a time when I finished a Georgia book and was very upset at the huge cliffhanger she had. I absolutely want to read more and want the second book now but it's not necessarily a dire need to find out what happens next. It's more about wanting to spend more time with these characters and luckily, there's two more books on the horizon.

Overall, a fantastically funny book about growing up and having to deal with the usual issues as well as attending a performing arts school. Definitely a book to check out if you're looking for a light read this summer. There's also a glossary included in the back of the book as usual for the terms that Americans don't know (or that anyone doesn't know because they do make up some words).

FTC: Received ARC from Kristi of The Story Siren- thanks Kristi! Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.


  1. I totally agree. I LOVE Rennison's writing style, but her books/style do not work well with cliffhangers. They are enjoyable and re-read worthy, but waiting a year per book just doesn't work with her for some reason...

    :) Excellent review. And I'm the FIRST to comment. Boo-yah!

  2. I'm such a huge fan of the Georgia Nicolson series. They're absolutely fabulous, so I had pretty high expectations for Withering Tights. Withering Tights did not let me down, although it didn't start off as good as I expected. I'm going to try not to compare this series to the Georgia Nicolson series, but it'll be a little hard.
