Monday, July 11, 2011

Unfriended by Katie Finn

Unfriended by Katie Finn

"Madison MacDonald is glad things are back to normal!

Madison It’s SUMMER at last -- let the good times & pool parties roll!
Location: Putnam Beach. Putnam, CT.

Madison My friends are all together again, and Nate and I are better than ever. Finally, everything in my life is working out. :)
Location: Gofer Ice Cream. Putnam, CT

Madison Even though Nate will be leaving for college in the fall.
Location: New Canaan Drive-In. New Canaan, CT.

Madison And there’s a piece of me that’s still waiting for the other shoe to drop from the prom heist.
Location: Stubbs Coffee. Putnam, CT.

Madison But everything is going to be fine! Right?
Location: On A Blender Smoothie Shop. Putnam, CT.

Madison Oh. Maybe I should take that back --
Location: Undisclosed


Madison MacDonald thinks the other shoe just dropped."- summary from Amazon

This is such a fun series and one that's hard to put down. I literally had to force myself to stop reading one night so I wasn't up all night finishing it. I love coming back to Madison and her friends and all the crazy things that happen in her life. This one is more prose than the previous two, though it's still got the fun status updates sprinkled throughout.

I was really wondering how Madison was going to get out of this because it seemed very dire and impossible, but she pulled it off and it was fantastic. I loved it. Finn has such a fun, breezy way of writing that is very compelling.

Overall, this is a really fun series and they're great summer reads. I really hope this isn't it for Madison and her friends. I want to keep reading about them!!

FTC: Received ARC from publisher. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.


  1. I read the first two books in this series last summer and really enjoyed them, so I've been really looking forward to reading this one as well. I'm glad to hear it's good, especially how it's a hard book to put down! Great review! :)

  2. I just finished reading Top 8. I didn't realize this was a series!
