Sunday, February 6, 2011

In My Mailbox- Week of Jan. 31 + Retrospective

I did another vlog! Enjoy!

Books Shown:

Wake Unto Me by Lisa Cach (ARC; March 2011)
Fairy Bad Day by Amanda Ashby (ARC; June 2011)
Sister Mischief by Laura Goode (ARC; July 2011)
Delirium by Lauren Oliver (Hardcover; Feb 2011)
The Lost City by Catherine Fisher (ARC; May 2011)
Shimmer by Alyson Noel (ARC; March 2011)

And here's my retrospective for the last week:

Monday- I talked about my experience taking ARCs to my local library to donate elsewhere and speaking with the Youth Department about my blog.

Tuesday- I reviewed Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins, which is out in stores now as a paperback. The sequel, Demonglass, will be out March 1.

Wednesday- I posted about the Twitter party for Prom and Prejudice, which has already happened. I didn't go for some reason, but I'm sure it was fun!

Thursday- I reviewed Red Moon Rising by Peter Moore, which is out in stores now.

Friday- A new entry in Cat Friday was posted when I showed off a picture of our mommy cat, Maya!

Saturday- I reviewed Cryer's Cross by Lisa McMann, which will be out in stores Feb. 8!


  1. Delirium looks so good, I have an ARC I still need to read. Enjoy your new books!

  2. Haha, I laughed at your comments about all of them being hardcovers and expensive!

  3. Great books this week! I really need to get Delirium yet! I hope you enjoy all of the books you received this week. Your cat is gorgeous too! :) Happy reading. :)

  4. Great books this week!
    Thanks for showing the "real" cover of Delirium...I love to see what the publishers put under the dust jackets, so I appreciate the peek.
    Have a great week :)

  5. Delirium is getting so much good hype here in the UK, heat magazine gave it 5/5 and said its impossible to put down, I must try and get it!
