Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cryer's Cross by Lisa McMann

Cryer's Cross by Lisa McMann
"The small town of Cryer’s Cross is rocked by tragedy when an unassuming freshman disappears without a trace. Kendall Fletcher wasn’t that friendly with the missing girl, but the angst wreaks havoc on her OCD-addled brain.

When a second student goes missing—someone close to Kendall’s heart—the community is in an uproar. Caught in a downward spiral of fear and anxiety, Kendall’s not sure she can hold it together. When she starts hearing the voices of the missing, calling out to her and pleading for help, she fears she’s losing her grip on reality. But when she finds messages scratched in a desk at school—messages that could only be from the missing student who used to sit there—Kendall decides that crazy or not, she’d never forgive herself if she didn’t act on her suspicions.

Something’s not right in Cryer’s Cross—and Kendall’s about to find out just how far the townspeople will go to keep their secrets buried."- summary from Amazon

This book is Creepy City, and McMann builds it up really well. Her Wake trilogy was scary at times, but this story takes it all to the next level. The spare prose I loved in her previous books is present and it really makes the pages turn quickly. In this kind of story, having that sense of urgency helps because it sucks the reader in.

Kendall is a great character and I enjoyed reading her story. The other characters are fun to read about too; I liked Marlena and Jacian the most. Jacian rivals Cabel from the Wake trilogy and I think I definitely prefer him; he is very swoon-worthy, at least once you get to know him.

I really enjoyed the twist at the end too and I was like "WOAH!" It was very clever and handled well. It all made sense. The ending itself is a bit open, which is cool, and it's the kind of open ending I can live with.

I don't really have anything bad to say about this book. It's another hit for McMann and a wonderful stand-alone book. Definitely one to get when it's released Feb. 8.

FTC: Received ARC from my friend Meaghan! Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.


  1. Creepy City - ack! I don't know if I can do Creepy City. I'm a wimp to the biggest degree!! There are so many people who like that kind of thing, though. I bet this is another huge hit for Lisa. I hope so!!

  2. Ooh sounds great but maybe too creepy for me as WAKE freaked me out.
