Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Stork by Wendy Delsol

Stork by Wendy Delsol
"Sixteen-year-old Katla LeBlanc has just moved from Los Angeles to Minnesota. As if it weren’t enough that her trendy fashion sense draws stares, Katla soon finds out that she’s a Stork, a member of a mysterious order of women tasked with a very unique duty. But Katla’s biggest challenge may be finding her flock at a new school. Between being ignored by Wade, the arrogant jock she stupidly fooled around with, and constantly arguing with gorgeous farm boy and editor-in-chief Jack, Katla is relieved when her assignment as the school paper’s fashion columnist brings with it some much-needed friendship. But as Homecoming approaches, Katla uncovers a shocking secret about her past — a secret that binds her fate to Jack’s in a way neither could have ever anticipated."- summary from Amazon

I liked this book for the most part. I have a couple complaints (ok, just one really), but it's a very original story. Obviously, just from the title alone, you can tell what this book is about- Storks, in human form. It's really clever how Delsol deals with this as well as with Norse mythology among other things, tying it all together. It's unique to have this kind of creature (of sorts) alone, but compared with this rarely-used mythology, you have a wonderful new paranormal romance.

My complaint with this book also stems from the paranormal romance genre, and that's the idea that the boy and girl are brought together by destiny, that they're meant for each other, yada yada yada. I see it way too many times and while Delsol gives a really good reason for it, it's still a bit cliche and brings the book down a notch.

The characters are all great, though there's focus and time spent on just a few and the secondary characters aren't very fleshed out. Delsol does however weave a lot of plotlines together very well- Kat's parents' divorce and her mom's subsequent dating life, dealing with the move to this new(ish) place, her mysterious past, her mysterious present, romance and mysteriousness with Jack (though he reveals a secret in the end that I'd known about for like 200 pages), a multiple attempted murder and who's behind that, and so much more. The book doesn't feel overstuffed in any way and everything is given its time in the spotlight and I was left feeling very satisfied with all the explanations.

Overall, it's a wonderfully unique book and definitely one to check out if you're looking for a new angle to all the paranormal romances out there.

FTC: Received ARC via Around the World Tours. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.

1 comment:

  1. It seems like a unique story this book but for some reason I am not desperate to read it, I might try and get it from the library when it comes to the UK!
