Monday, November 29, 2010

Meandering Monday (1)

OK, so over Thanksgiving, I decided that I simply could not do 5 reviews a week. At least, not right now when I'm finishing a book and then posting a review. Even with the job being gone, it's hard for me to read essentially 5 books a week because I have so many other important things to do, like sleep and watch TV. Oh, and finding another job.

So to kinda help me along in stocking up reviews so that I COULD potentially do 5 reviews a week in the future, I've come up with a new system to use each week that will be MUCH more beneficial to my sanity and will also provide a nice consistent schedule to the blog. Here it is:

Monday- I will be doing a feature called Meandering Monday, in which I will ramble on about things, present some links, and possibly also do a retrospective of the posts from the previous week if I did not do an In My Mailbox on Sunday.

Tuesday- Book review!

Wednesday- Alternating between Ask Book Chic (btw, this week I'm asking for new questions and of course holding a contest for a 2011 ARC!) and Author Interviews.

Thursday- Another book review!

Friday- Fragment Friday (come back for more info about this feature in this week's Ask Book Chic because someone asked about it; I have some SHOCKING news!)

Saturday- Yet another book review!

I really like this schedule and it'll be nice while I get back into the groove of reading books and getting ahead and all that. Fresh New Voice of YA will continue each month, so the schedule won't apply during that. I'm hoping to be ahead by the end of December so I can unveil a book-review-heavy schedule in January. Prepare your Goodreads and Amazon Wishlists so that they don't explode by the amount of books you'll be adding with all the reviews I'll be posting each week.

Anyway, that's enough about the schedule. Here's some links!

Little Willow and I FINALLY did another He Said, She Said for GuysLitWire. This time, we discuss Dash and Lily's Book of Dares by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan.

You can listen to my interview with Barry Eva aka Storyheart from A Book and A Chat here. It's just a half-hour long but it contains tons of awesome info about me!

Also, this post, as well as the site as a whole, has had me laughing hysterically since I first read that post a couple days ago. Thanks to Stacey Jay and Meg Cabot for pointing it out to me (via their blogs; they're way too important to send random links to me directly).

Finally, here's my retrospective for last week- I previewed the 2011 books Father of Lies by Ann Turner and My Unfair Godmother by Janette Rallison, posted an Ask Book Chic (where I talked about stereotypes, books-to-movies, and gaining a blog following), and also reviewed Invisible Things by Jenny Davidson, which is out in stores now.


  1. wait...I have to wait until FRIDAY to hear shocking news???

  2. I can see how you'd think it'd be Friday, but what I meant was the shocking news about FF would be talked about Wednesday during Ask Book Chic.
