Saturday, October 30, 2010

Kiss Me Deadly: Stories of Paranormal Romance Edited by Trisha Telep

NEWS: The wonderful Holly Cupala is hosting a What Bloggers Want two-month event on her blog, and I'm the featured blogger for Friday! So go check out my post and I think if you comment, you get entered into a huge contest, which is always fun. Thanks everyone! :)

Kiss Me Deadly: 13 Tales of Paranormal Love Edited by Trisha Telep
"If you can possibly thirst for more mysterious metaphysical accounts of love, Trisha Telep has organized some of the greatest and most thrilling tales of paranormal paramours since The Eternal Kiss. She presents the acclaimed literary talent of thirteen unique authors, creating a collection of stories that will undoubtedly capture the imagination of every soul who dares to read them. Werewolves, ghosts, zombies, vampires, and fallen angels drive the plot of these riveting romances.
Kiss Me Deadly includes the exceptional writings of several authors, including:

• Sarah Rees Brennan (faeries)
• Becca Fitzpatrick (angels)
• Caitlin Kittredge (witches)
• Karen Mahoney (vampires: sequel to story from The Eternal Kiss)
• Daniel Marks (ghost kids)
• Justine Musk (sorcerers)
• Diana Peterfreund (unicorns)
• Michelle Rowen (demons)
• Carrie Ryan (zombies)
• Maggie Stiefvater (werewolves)
• Rachel Vincent (banshees)
• Daniel Waters (zombies)
• Michelle Zink (gothic ghosts)"- summary from Amazon

If you're looking for a fun collection to read for Halloween or even to keep the spirit going a few days afterward, this is the collection for you. It wasn't intentionally released for Halloween but I do feel it fits. Some of the stories are pretty creepy and feature some scary scenes.

I'm not going to go through each story (if you do want that, go to Khy's blog where she's doing a wonderful three-parter review of the book.), but I did really enjoy the whole collection. It's a great gathering of fantastic writers.

I really enjoyed Sarah Rees Brennan's story, which took on Peter Pan and was pretty hilarious. There's humor in her Demon books, but in this short story, she really lets loose with some dry humor. Michelle Zink's story was really interesting and I love the Assassin idea with some paranormal aspects to it. I could definitely see this being longer.

Both Diana Peterfreund's and Carrie Ryan's stories take place in their own world from their respective series. But, for some reason, while I enjoyed both, I thought Carrie's was a bit been-there-done-that and I'm itching to see something new from her outside of the zombie world she's created. Yet I didn't feel the same about Diana, even though both stayed within their worlds for this anthology and Zombies vs. Unicorns. I'm not sure why.

Becca Fitzpatrick's short story took place in her Hush Hush world but happened way before the events of those books. It was interesting reading about these characters and the whole story was very dark, mysterious and she set the atmosphere of it really well. Maggie Stiefvater's was really cool and I loved seeing her fairies take the stage again as well as the ties to Celtic lore and music. It was a wonderful story to read.

Overall, a great anthology for an even better price. I don't think you could go wrong with this book. Definitely a keeper.

FTC: Received finished copy from publisher. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.


  1. I got this one for review as well. I have to say, though, I wasn't a huge fan of Maggie's story. I definitely like some of her other work better. However, I wound up really enjoying this book on the whole. Great review! I especially like how you provide a little detail on what aspect of the story is paranormal.

  2. I hadn't yet heard of this one... looks good. I just finished reading Caridad PiƱeiro's newest book paranormal romance titled, "Stronger Than Sin"... a great book containing a mix of romance, paranormal, science fiction and medical suspense. I was sad to see it end. I am now looking for other great books to read and can't wait to check out "Kiss Me Deadly." Thanks for suggesting it!
