Friday, October 29, 2010

Fragment Friday- Fall for Anything by Courtney Summers

Book Signing News: On October 31 in Richmond, VA, Maggie Stiefvater and Jackson Pearce are having a Halloween bash, courtesy of Fountain Bookstore! I'm going to be there- anyone else going? Tickets cost $8 (but that can go toward buying a book).

Fragment Friday is a weekly meme hosted here on this blog where you read an excerpt from either your current read or one of your favorite books and post it on your blog to share with others! It's a fun way to learn about new books or to hear a sample from a book you're dying to read.

Today, I'll be reading from Chapter 6 of Fall for Anything by Courtney Summers. She released the first five chapters on her blog and I thought it'd be nice to give you all just a bit more of the story! You can read the first 5 chapters here. Hope you all enjoy!

Put your link down in the Mr. Linky below!


  1. I LOVED Fall For Anything! Courtney has such a gift of words. I hope that you are enjoying it.

  2. Yay! I'm so envious - I want to read this one!

  3. Well now I'm just dying you have Fall for Anything AND you're going to the Halloween bash!
