Thursday, August 19, 2010

Real Live Boyfriends ARC Tour Schedule

So, it appears that only a few people were interested in this. HOW COME?!?! The Ruby Oliver series is AWESOME!! Here's the order the ARC will go in, and let me know if anyone else wants to be added on to the tour:

DC #- 0310 1230 0001 8257 1435

1) Khy Rec'd 9/2 Sent 9/7 DC #0310 1230 0001 1115 6412
2) Elika Rec'd 9/14 Sent 9/21- DC# 0308 3390 0001 9674 3934
3) Breanna Rec'd 9/25 DC# 0310 0480 0001 0294 0569
4) Christina Rec'd 10/13 Sent 10/ DC#
5) Irene Rec'd 10/31 Sent 11/16 DC #1Z3E681R0312396391
6) Anne Rec'd 11/20 Sent 11/24 DC #0310 2010 0001 8000 6637
7) Christy Lou Who
8) Kate
9) Alexa

This will be the official post so check back often to see where the book is. I'll also be posting the Delivery Confirmation #s here too so it can be tracked.

I only have Khy, Breanna, Kate, and Alexa's email addresses, so Anne, Irene and Christy Lou Who, and Elika, please email me at bookchicclub-at-gmail-dot-com (with the at and dot replaced with the appropriate symbols) so I can get your mailing addresses and all that.

Thanks all for participating!!


  1. Woah woah woah am I reading this correctly? There is going to be another book in the Ruby Oliver series?! AHHH I want to read it! Lol


  2. Can you add me to the list?

    sithereandread (at) gmail (dot) com

  3. Is it possible for me to still be added to the list?!

    foofoox (at) gmail (dot) com.
