Friday, August 20, 2010

Fragment Friday- The Extraordinary Secrets of April, May and June by Robin Benway

Hey everyone! Back for another installment of Fragment Friday, woo!!! This week, I came prepared yet again and am reading an excerpt from The Extraordinary Secrets of April, May and June by Robin Benway, which is out in stores now. Enjoy!

For those participating in Fragment Friday, please put your link in the Mr. Linky below. For those wondering just what the heck Fragment Friday is, it's where you read and record a small fragment (aka excerpt) of a book you're currently reading or it could just be a favorite book of yours that you'd like to share a bit of with all of us.


  1. Lots of great fragments this week! Damn it James this may not have been such a good meme idea after all...My wallet is seriously not speaking to you right now. lol

  2. Hey, this was all Pam and Susan's idea to turn it into a meme. Blame them, not me! :P You could also use a library. ;)

  3. This was my first Fragment Friday! I loved it. It's such a great idea.

  4. Maybe we should ask people to keep their excerpts to three paragraphs or less?

  5. This is my first time participating in Fragment Friday & I realize now that I read way too long an excerpt. So sorry! Next week I will choose a shorter fragment. Thanks for hosting this meme! I had fun listening to everyone's excerpts. :)

  6. Thanks so much for the Fragment Friday. I wasn't too interested in this book before and now I really want to read it!

  7. It's hard to do short Fragment Fridays!
