Saturday, December 12, 2009

In My Mailbox- Week of December 7 + Retrospective

No vlog this week as I don't have the privacy to do so, lol. So here's just a list of books I got this week.

Books Recieved (all links below are Amazon Associate links, so part of the profits go to me if you buy one of these books; the money usually goes to funding contests.):

Dream Girl by Lauren Mechling (this is my 12th copy; most copies were given away during my 1-year blogiversary)
Dream Life by Lauren Mechling
Wanderlust by Lucy Silag (my 2nd ARC- contest to come!)
Some Girls Are by Courtney Summers
I So Don't Do Spooky by Barrie Summy
The Pillow Book of Lotus Lowenstein by Libby Schmais

Tuesday- I posted another 2010 Books Preview where I talked about The Unwritten Rule by Elizabeth Scott and Swoon at Your Own Risk by Sydney Salter.

Thursday- I reviewed Purple Heart by Patricia McCormick, which was released September 1, 2009.

I also updated my review list and interview/guest blog list (links in sidebar). My review list now has my links to reviews from the past few months and also how many I've done since June 2007. It's a LOT. I hope to finish up the interview and guest blog list sometime, and also plan on changing my header (maybe). I just got the most AWESOME drawing ever from Maggie Stiefvater in my ARC of Shiver when she signed it earlier today and I think it would make the BEST. HEADER. EVER. But first I have to scan it in and play around with it and all that junk. If anyone with more skills than I wants to help, feel free to email me.


  1. You got Some Girls Are! Yay! I really want to read that one! Gonna buy it as soon as it hits shelves! Enjoy James!

  2. I really want to read The Pillow Book of Lotus Lowenstein!

  3. Looking forward to your review of Some Girls are. I have my copy pre-ordered, can't wait for it, especially after those teaser trailers.

    Enjoy your books.

  4. Oooh, you got SOME GIRLS ARE!! I want!

    Happy reading!!
