Sunday, November 8, 2009

In My Mailbox- Week of November 2 + Retrospective

So no vlog this week. I only got two books and am really lazy tonight so won't be linking to them on Amazon. I got:

Envy by Anna Godberson (paperback)
Splendor by Anna Godberson (hardcover)

Even though my week in books sucked, my week in CDs was MUCH better. I got:

Glee Volume 1 (I have been listening to this EVERY SINGLE TIME I drive in my car; favorite song is either Maybe This Time or Defying Gravity)
Suckin' It for the Holidays by Kathy Griffin (love Kathy; she's so funny)
This Is Us by Backstreet Boys (Import CD with DVD; for my roommate as she's a HUGE BSB fan- she loves me for buying it for her)

And now the retrospective-

Last week's In My Mailbox post (no vlog then either- I promise I'll do one once I either get awesome ARCs or a ton of books- hopefully awesome ARCs will be arriving next week :) yay)

Want an early chance to read Gone by Lisa McMann, the eagerly anticipated conclusion to Wake and Fade? Well, here's your chance. I've decided that since ARCs are few and far between for this book, that I am going to put together my own little 1 ARC tour for it, which will include at most 15 people, 13 bloggers and 2 non-bloggers (i.e. my followers/regular readers). The deadline though is Tuesday, but with only 16 comments so far, the chance to read it won't be too hard to recieve. Go here to find out how to enter!

And I reviewed Positively by Courtney Sheinmel, which has gotten so little love, so please comment on it! Look for an interview with Courtney soon! :)


  1. I love Glee! Maybe This Time is one of my favorite songs as well. :)

  2. I must get the Glee soundtrack!

  3. yay Glee!! i got those Luxe books this week too!

    i really need to read Courtney's books! gah... so many books!

    well, hope you had/have a great weekend! happy reading!

  4. Kristi- I totally know what you mean. I was just in Barnes and Noble last night and there are SO MANY books I wanted to buy and read, but with the amount of ARCs and other review books I have, it's not really possible. Ah well.

  5. haha, i didnt see the blog owner approval. I thought my first attempt didn't save! sorry about that. LOL
