Friday, May 29, 2009

Youtube Views and Mini-Reviews

Youtube Views
So I was looking through all my Youtube videos and was surprised by some of the amount of views that I have on videos. I was shocked to see that some of my videos have passed the 100 views mark! Here's the list:

In My Mailbox (April 5) (I'm surprised an IMM vlog made it past 100- why is this one so special? lol)
VCA Vlog Trilogy Part 1

Those are the only 100+ views ones. Here are some other high ones:

FNV Excerpt- Take the Reins (93 views)
VCA Vlog Trilogy Part 2 (97 views)
Guest Vlog for Jocelyn (93 views)

Twilight Movie

I figured I'd start off with this one cuz I'm watching the movie now with commentary. So Erika Lynn of Kiss My Book let me borrow her copy of the 2-disc Special Edition DVD- thanks Erika! :) It took me a couple weeks but I finally got around to watching it last Friday (yes, the same day the baby kittens were born) and my roomie, her bf, and I ordered pizza (it was SO GOOD.) and watched the movie. I enjoyed it- it was a good story and I'm excited to listen to the audio book of Twilight whenever that comes into the library for me. There were a lot of cute guys in this movie who were shirtless. I quite enjoyed that, lol. I think my favorite scene was the vampire baseball bit- it just looked SO COOL!! I was a bit put-off by all the close-ups of eyes and faces as well as all the smoldering and brooding looks- it really detracted from the movie. I loved how they made Edward sparkle- I watched the documentary on the making of the movie and it was cool how they did that (I think it was just from special effects done by a computer, but it's still cool.). I think that's all I've got to say. Does anyone have any questions about what I thought of certain parts or characters in the movie?

Allie Finkle's Rules for Girls: Best Friends and Drama Queens by Meg Cabot

I thought this book was so cute! I love the Allie Finkle series- Allie is just so spunky, funny, and all-around awesome. I think her rules are the best. I read this book pretty quickly- just two days. I can't wait to read future books! :) Wow, this review is much more mini than I thought it would be, lol.

A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray (audio)
I put off reading this book because I wasn't much into historical fiction. But lately, I've been getting more into it and so decided to start the Gemma Doyle series since I needed to find more audio books to listen to at work. I actually really liked it! I loved how Libba combined historic and paranormal and it really pulled me through the book (well, as much as you can while listening instead of reading). The narrator Josephine Bailey did a good job doing all the voices and narrating it- she's probably one of the best I've heard so far. Unfortunately, for some odd reason, my library doesn't have Rebel Angels in audio, but they have this one and Sweet Far Thing. How silly is that? They have RA in print though so I may just have to read it instead of listening to it.


  1. okay, let's talk shirtless--check these from the upcoming New Moon movie :-)

    They made me very smiley. lol.


  2. I am so glad you enjoyed it and I was just gonna email you about it. I am moving on July 1 and I wanted to have it back before then.

  3. Check this out:

    Jacob (Black - long story) shirtless and bulked up 30 pounds. :D

    Unfortunately you only see it for a second. *pouts*

  4. I am glad you saw the movie and ready to read (well, hear) the book. It's a great book, with a beautiful plot. I actually own a fan-blog about Twilight (link at the bottom), but at the moment, most of my posts are around the making of New moon, but I will be posting more soon!

    Dazzling Leeches
    at .

    P.S. Your blog is great!
