Sunday, May 31, 2009

In My Mailbox- Week of May 25th Part 1

Now, this wasn't meant to be a Part 1, but ended up being that. I wanted to make a vlog last night and so I did, and part of it was to show off the final few books I got. But the majority of it is me rambling on about various things, and then I get cut off at the end cuz my camera's batteries died, lol.

Anyway, here's Part 1:

Here's the original Blonde of the Joke cover:

Isn't that much better?

Part 2 will be posted later. Also, tomorrow is the official start of my two year blogiversary month-long party, which will be held over on Myspace. There will be interviews, guest blogs, and giveaways, maybe even a couple reviews too, so go check it out!! :)


  1. Lol I love that cover. Very cute. Happy reading!!

  2. I LOVED the cover for Blonde of the Joke. I didn't know they changed it. Hope you enjoy your books!

  3. I think the cover is too funny. love it.

    Here's mine:

  4. I really like that cover of Blonde of the Joke. The book sounds really good too. Enjoy.

  5. That is the most eyecatching cover I've seen in a while. Happy reading!

  6. Sounds like you had a great week! I hope you enjoy reading all your books.

  7. congrats on you blogoversary! I love watching your VLOG's they are always so much fun. The Blonde of the Joke looks like a great and funny read. I cannot wait to see what you think about it. And we will have to talk sometime about RWA.
