Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Waiting on Wednesday (10)

Waiting For You by Susane Colasanti
Friendly and popular
Style: Cali surfer boy
Awesome at flirting
Future career: landscape architect
Boyfriend potential: high

Shy but sweet
Style: totally geeked out
Only talks to girls when absolutely necessary
Future career: robotics engineer
Boyfriend potential: none

Derek is clearly the boy Marisa's been waiting for, but there's just one problem. He has a girlfriend. Nash is wrong for Marisa, but he wants to take care of her. As if life wasn't complicated enough, Marisa's also dealing with overcoming a major problem from her past, a family that's acting totally bizarre, and a secret crush on a guy whose identity is a mystery - even to her. The course of true love never did run smooth...

Sophomore year is going to be intense.

My Thoughts: I really enjoyed Susane's previous novel Take Me There and I really need to read her first one When It Happens, but I'm looking forward to her upcoming novel, Waiting for You. It sounds like it'll be a fantastic book and I can't wait to read it! :)


  1. Yes! I have this one and When it Happens. I'm going to buy Take Me There when it comes out in paperback! I'm so excited to read her books!

  2. Found your quote :) Very clever placement!

  3. Ahhh I see what you mean Lenore! LOL! Now I just need to read the rules!

  4. Rules read, this is going to be fun!

  5. Found the quote :) Took some time but I did!

  6. I saw this book on another blog's WoW, and it sounds amazing! I smell trouble lurking in the world of love/relationships!


  7. That's a good one! I found it, though! *happy dance*

  8. Ooohhh! I have been looking forever for that quote, and it was right in front of me! Very clever...;)

  9. very good hiding place! found your quote

  10. Never did and perchance never shall...

  11. Wow nice hiding place for your quote! :D

  12. I really want to read this book as well. I've yet to read a book by Susane Colasanti.

  13. Found it...very tricky, but I remember my shakespeare :)

  14. VERY sneaky! Took me awhile to find that quote!
