Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Eyes Like Stars Scavenger Hunt!

So, in a convergence of awesomeness, at least 10 different book bloggers who have received extra copies of Eyes Like Stars will be participating in a "Collect the Shakespeare Quotes" scavenger hunt giveaway. This will occur tomorrow, Wednesday, February 18.

Rules for that:

The Rules:
1) Contest limited to those in the USA. Apologies to our friends abroad, but these ARCs are being mailed out by the generous souls on the blogroll, and there will be other contests which will be eligible to readers overseas.
2) All entrants must be the age of 13 or older. Entrants 12 and under (if any) can be entered by their parents.
3) No family members of anyone connected with the Scavenger Hunt, please.

How To Play:
1) Players should start at Lisa's Blog (lisamantchev.livejournal.com) to get the Official Blogroll and List of Clues
2) Players then need to visit the blogs, collect the quotes, AND leave a comment (like a trail of bread crumbs... we want to know you actually did the leg work!)
3) E-mail Lisa with your list of quotes: lisa@lisamantchev.com
4) Prizes will awarded thusly: to those who collect the most quotes. Should more people remit the complete quote list than we have ARCs to give away, Lisa shall award the prizes by lottery/random drawing. She shall also retain the right to add extra ARCs to the prize pool at her discretion.

So I hope you all participate and I wish you the best of luck with it! :) And even though I'm posting this tonight, check out the entry below this for vlogs of me reading excerpts from The September Sisters by Jillian Cantor and Shadowed Summer by Saundra Mitchell! And leave comments- otherwise, I get self-conscious and think I suck at reading excerpts (ok, I may think this anyway, comments or not, but it's good to at least try). :)


  1. this is such a creative way of giving away ARCs! Oh, and i found your shakespeare quote XD

  2. Found the quote! Sneaky rascal! :D

  3. took me forever to find this one :p

  4. That was sneaky! Found it though!

  5. Found your quote. Very well hidden, ten points to you.

  6. Ha! I got it, very clever, James! Yay, that was my last quote. I loved how you hid it!

  7. Found the quote! Thanks!

  8. Man, do I feel like an idiot.
    I agree with Jenny, you get 10 points for your quote placement.
    It only took me a half hour or so to figure it out.

  9. Found the quote...finally! :-)

  10. Oh, wow. You are evil. But in a good way. (This means I finally found the quote.)

  11. Holy smokes! You got me with the hiding spot. I even went back trough your videos to see if you read them on there and I missed them. Thanks! ;)

  12. I finally found it after over half an hour of searching... I guess I don't know my Shakespeare.

  13. You did a good job hiding it! But found it :)

  14. Your quote had me lost for the longest time!
    FINALLY I found it!
    Thank you!

  15. oooooh, sneaky! finally found the quote though :D

  16. Sneaky, sneaky! Finally found this quote, making it my 11th.

  17. That took me forever, haha. Nice!

  18. Thanks for taking part in the contest!

  19. Found the quote. Thanks.

  20. Found it, FINALLY! Took me forever! lol.

  21. I found the quote...very creatively put...:)

  22. ooo you're bad...but i found it

  23. Thanks for the quote! Very clever. ^_^

  24. That was a very clever hiding spot but I found it!

  25. Thanks for the quote! Yours took me a few minutes!

  26. I read others' comments about where you put the quote and thought it would be REALLY hard to find, but then I realized it wasn't SO hidden as everyone made it seem. Needless to say, I found it! :-)
