Saturday, November 29, 2008

New Blog!

Hey everyone!

Since Myspace was being very stupid in regards to photos and In My Mailbox is something I want to do every week, I decided to set up a new blog here on Blogger specifically for In My Mailbox posts and maybe other things, like memes I'm tagged for or some of those daily blogs (Waiting on Wednesday, Booking Through Thursday, etc.) that other book blogger friends of mine do. I may also move Ask Book Chic over here too, but I'm not entirely sure about it yet.

So today is just a simple little post introducing the site and tomorrow, I'll post what I got in the mail this past week- I got lots of great stuff!

For anyone who's stumbling across this site randomly, here's a link to my review blog:


  1. Yay, welcome to blogger...even if it IS only part-time. :-)


  2. hey! i wanted to answer your q about the counter and stats. i have three things i use! sitemeter, and then google analytics.

  3. Thanks everyone for commenting, and thanks Kristi for answering my question!! :)
