Friday, November 28, 2008

About Me

All About Me
Hey all! My name is James. Contrary to popular belief, I am not a girl (I wonder what gives people that idea...). I'm actually a 28 year old male.

I was born on March 23, 1986 and grew up near DC in Alexandria, VA. During high school, I participated in Drama Club, Stage Crew, Choir, and Anime Club and also, in my junior year, wrote a one-act play that got performed in my school's annual One-Act Festival (one of two student-written pieces). I went to Lynchburg College in Lynchburg, VA and was an English-writing major with minors in religious studies and theatre. I graduated in May 2008 and promptly did not find any kind of job until December 2008 when I landed the dream job of a temp data entry keyer. Since then, I've held a few jobs, but in March 2012, I became a part-time cashier at Walmart which has been the most steady job I've had since college. Also, I actually enjoy working there so that's always nice.

I'm currently working on a novel and am really excited about it, despite the fact that it has no plot. :) My dream is to become a published author. I'm a step closer to that goal having sold a short story to the Best Gay Romance 2014 anthology (Cleis Press, Feb 2014), which is titled "Falling". I'm extremely proud of it, and am working on other short stories to submit to various anthologies.

I also used to volunteer once a week at my local library as a circulation volunteer; I stood at the front desk and took back the books, CDs, and DVDs people returned and also answered questions, sometimes even correctly! :D

In regards to the book blog, I've been doing this since June 2007 and love it sooo much! It's probably the best decision I've ever made. I love doing this and I hope I get to do it for many years to come.

If you want to contact me for anything, whether it's to send review copies, to ask for an interview or just leave a comment about my blog, you can send an email to bookchicclub-at-gmail-dot-com.

Books I've Been Blurbed In:
Invisible Touch by Kelly Parra (MTV Books, 2008; inside pages, praise for Graffiti Girl)
Going Bovine by Libba Bray (Random House, paperback, 2010; back of book as GuysLitWire, praise for Going Bovine)
Forever Summer by Alyson Noel (Simon&Schuster, paperback bind-up, 2011; back of book)
Where You Are by J.H. Trumble (Kensington Books, paperback, 2012; inside pages as GuysLitWire, praise for Don't Let Me Go)

To learn more about me, check out these interviews and guest blogs I've done for authors and fellow bloggers:

Radio Interview conducted by Chelsea from The Page Flipper (June 2009)
Book Reviewer Hot Seat at Class of 2K8
Reviewer Profile at Reviewer X
Reviewer Interview at Bookluver Carol
Interview with Harmony Book Reviews
Flip It Friday with Sarah Ockler
Interview with Kay Cassidy
Guest Blog at Teen Book Review (June 2008)
Guest Vlog at Teen Book Review (February 2009)
First vlog: Book Pr0n at Naughty Book Kitties (August 2010)
Guest Post on The Story Siren for LGBT Days (August 2010)
A Book and A Chat (Podcast with Barry Eva aka Storyheart- Nov. 2010. Click here to download the interview or you can click above to listen to it.)
Friday Featured Blogger at Steph Su Reads (March 2011)
Blogger Interview at Words Like Silver (August 2011)
Blogger Interview at Justin's Book Blog (December 2012)


  1. Haha, YAY! You put my interview up! It was great talking to you James! :)

  2. So where is your review policy for writers to submit to?

  3. cubiclerebel- I don't have a review policy yet, though I probably should put one up soon. At the moment though, I only accept Young Adult books from major publishers. No self-publishing or small legit publishers.

  4. Please consider reviewing "Dreamboat," the first installment in The Frisky Chronicles, by Frisky Dimplebuns. Normally $0.99, the book is free today, January 14th.

    Frisky is my cousin, and my company publishes her.


    Patrice Fitzgerald, author of RUNNING
