"Ana knows that soon life in Heart will be at risk so she escapes with her friends, seeking answers and allies to stop Janan's ascension and keep the other Newsouls safe. But only she knows the true cost of reincarnation and the dangers she'll encounter if she returns to stop him once and for all."- summary from Amazon
I absolutely love this series to bits and while I'm sad to see it end, Meadows did a wonderful job concluding the trilogy and I think fans will be happy with the outcome. I feel like this book was much more action-packed than the previous two (especially in the beginning and around the climax), which definitely made for some quick page-turning on my part to see what would happen next.
I really don't want to give too much away since this is the final book in the trilogy so I don't know what to say. Sam and Ana continue to be adorable, funny and awesome together, but it's definitely not an easy road for their relationship in this book. I will also say that Meadows is not afraid to kill off some characters in this book; unfortunately, it has to happen.
Overall, a compelling, fantastic conclusion to a unique, amazing trilogy.
FTC: Received ARC from publisher. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.
I loved this one! So, so good!