The Bitter Kingdom by Rae Carson
No summary for this because a)spoilers and b) I could never find a good one. All the ones I found were like two sentences long. What kind of summary is that?!
Before I start this, if you haven't read this series yet, just go do it. It is amazing and awesome and a wonderful addition to the fantasy genre. You don't want to miss out on this. Plus, Tamora Pierce blurbed it- do you really need more encouragement?
Now, for those of you who have read the first two books (and maybe even the third, if you were lucky enough to get an advance copy; it'll be released on August 27), you know how great this trilogy is. You love this imaginative world that Carson has built, and all the characters therein (except of course for the bad guys). This final book is simply a fantastic, action-packed conclusion. So much is going on, and the pages just keep on turning. While I hated to see this story end, I was glad to have read it and happy to see how Carson decided to end it.
Carson also has some guts; she's not afraid to kill off characters and I don't just mean background people (though there are plenty of those too). Elisa loses some people she cares very deeply about over the course of the series, and while it's tough for her and for the reader, it's made her into the strong warrior that you see by the end of this last book.
There's also some great romance that's been building over the course of these three books, and it comes to a head in this final book and these final journeys that these characters take. It's all very swoon-worthy.
Overall, a wonderful conclusion to an amazing trilogy, and Carson has a fan for life. I cannot wait to read her new trilogy, and any books after that!
FTC: Received ARC from publisher. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.
I have a large list of to-reads, but this series keeps poking at me. I love reviews that hype it up even more for me! I'm looking forward to reading these.