"Sixteen-year-old Solomon is agoraphobic. He hasn’t left the house in three years, which is fine by him.
Ambitious Lisa desperately wants to get into the second-best psychology program for college (she’s being realistic). But how can she prove she deserves a spot there?
Solomon is the answer.
Determined to “fix” Sol, Lisa thrusts herself into his life, sitting through Star Trek marathons with him and introducing him to her charming boyfriend Clark. Soon, all three teens are far closer than they thought they’d be, and when their walls fall down, their friendships threaten to collapse, as well."- summary from Amazon
This is my first Whaley book (I know, I know) and I really enjoyed it! I loved reading from both Solomon and Lisa's perspectives, and it was interesting to read a book about an agoraphobe (I'm pretty sure I never have). I thought Whaley did a great job making Solomon's agoraphobia realistic and gave his progress a clear arc throughout the novel, though it's far from gone when the story ends. It's a weird book (in the best possible way) but really smart, very funny, and extremely insightful. I'm really looking forward to going back and reading Whaley's other books. I highly recommend this one!
FTC: Received e-galley from Netgalley. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.
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