Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Charmed, I'm Sure by Sarah Darer Littman

Charmed, I'm Sure by Sarah Darer Littman
"Meet Rosie White Charming. You probably know her parents, Snow and Prince. Yup—that Snow and Prince. You would think that being the only daughter of two of the most famous people in fairy tale history would be awesome.

But you would be wrong.

After failing to secure a date for the Fall Festive dance, Rosie is on a mission to prove that the daughter of the fairest in the land can actually hold her own. With the help of a mysterious and magical compact that her mother gives her (and a nice blowout from her mother’s favorite salon) Rosie starts to become the person she thinks she should be. But is being the fairest in all of the land really going to give Rosie her happily-ever-after?"- summary from Amazon

I absolutely adored this start to a new series from Littman- she's one of my favorite authors and I always love fairy tale retellings. This was one of my most favorite retellings; it's such an interesting way to tell a new yet familiar story. It was so cute and I loved seeing fairy tale characters in a real world setting; following along on Rosie's journey was great. I'm so excited to read more from this series following other children of fairy tales.

FTC: Received e-galley from Edelweiss. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.

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