Friday, January 29, 2016

A Midsummer Night #nofilter by Brett Wright + Macbeth #killingit by Courtney Carbone

A Midsummer Night #nofilter by Brett Wright
Macbeth #killingit by Courtney Carbone
"Imagine: What if the fairies and star-crossed lovers of the forest had smartphones? A classic is reborn in this fun and funny adaptation of one of Shakespeare’s most famous plays!

Four lovers who can’t decide who they have a crush on.
One mischievous fairy with a love potion.
Total chaos in the fairy world, the human world, and everywhere in between!"

"Imagine: What if that tragic couple, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, had smartphones? A classic is reborn in this fun and funny adaptation of one of Shakespeare’s most famous plays!

A prophecy from three witches.
A social-climbing couple committing a murder most foul.
A cover-up that spins way out of control."- summaries from Amazon

I absolutely love this new series of books from Random House; they are so much fun and such an interesting, new way of retelling the classic Shakespeare plays. Wright and Carbone have upped their game in their second books from the series, with lots more different emojis, hashtags, slang, and so much more. One of the parts I particularly enjoy was in A Midsummer Night where a character would check in to a bush in the forest, and then another character would check in to a bush a few feet away; that made me giggle a lot whenever it happened.

Overall, these books are awesome and I totally hope that they get kids interested in Shakespeare and his plays because they are the best. I'm excited to read more in this series, and it looks like there's at least two more coming out sometime in the future, which is fantastic!

FTC: Received bound manuscripts from the publisher. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.

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