Monday, December 14, 2015

One by Sarah Crossan

One by Sarah Crossan
"Tippi and Grace share everything—clothes, friends . . . even their body.

Tippi and Grace. Grace and Tippi. For them, it's normal to step into the same skirt. To hook their arms around each other for balance. To fall asleep listening to the other breathing. To share. And to keep some things private. Each of the sixteen-year-old girls has her own head, heart, and two arms, but at the belly, they join. And they are happy, never wanting to risk the dangerous separation surgery.

But the girls' body is beginning to fight against them. And Grace doesn't want to admit it. Not even to Tippi. How long can they hide from the truth—how long before they must face the most impossible choice of their lives?"- summary from Amazon

I haven't read Crossan's prose novels yet but I'm really enjoying her verse books (The Weight of Water and Apple and Rain). This was such an interesting book to read as well as a heartbreaking one, and the verse format really hits that note so well. The succinct language gets to the heart of the joy and pain that these conjoined twins are going through, especially as they face this new obstacle. It's a fantastic, page-turning read and one that will stick with you for a while.

FTC: Received ARC from publisher. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.

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