Monday, September 28, 2015

My Pet Human by Yasmine Surovec

My Pet Human by Yasmine Surovec
"Oliver is an independent kitty. He has his run of the neighborhood and looks at his animal friends with their fussing humans with pity. But when a freckle-faced girl moves into town, Oliver sees the opportunity to train a human to provide him with a few creature comforts. And if he can help her adjust to her life and make a new friend, that's just all in a day's work. The real surprise comes, however, when Oliver needs Freckles just as much as she needs him."- summary from Amazon

This was THE CUTEST BOOK EVER. I loved it- Oliver reminded me so much of one of my cats Samson (both are tuxedo cats) and it made for a much more fun read. I will pretty much read any Yasmine Surovec book from here on out; she totally gets cats and what it means to own one (or several). It's nice to read books about cats from a cat lover, as it's one of my favorite subjects. There's a lot of humor, heart, and cuteness in this book. I highly recommend it.

FTC: Received ARC from publisher. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.

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