Friday, May 22, 2015

King by Ellen Oh

King by Ellen Oh
"All eyes are on her. Kira, once an outcast in her home village of Hansong, is now the only one with the power to save her kingdom. Kira braves a sea of tigers and battles armies of demons as she learns to trust herself, the romantic feelings for Jaewon that are growing within her, and the destiny that must be hers."- summary from Amazon

The final book in Oh's Dragon King Chronicles is the perfect ending to this fantastically written series. Kira's journey in this book tests her strength and determination several times over, and she beats the odds every time. Oh portrays Kira so realistically as she goes through these fantastical obstacles and quests, and of course it's always nice to see some diversity in our fantasy heroines. The Asian-inspired culture of the fantasy world really adds an extra layer of depth to the whole trilogy.

I still really enjoyed her relationship with Jaewon. There's some great tension there that she's not allowing herself to feel because of all that's going on around her, but it's easy to tell she feels most comfortable around him and very close to him. The endgame of it is inevitable, but the how makes it so worthwhile.

Overall, such a wonderful series and I'm so eager to see what Oh has in store for us next. I cannot say enough good things about it; please go check it out if you're a fantasy fan.

FTC: Received ARC from publisher. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.

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