Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Blog Tour- From the Notebooks of a Middle-School Princess by Meg Cabot

I'm so excited to be a part of the blog tour for Meg Cabot's newest middle-grade book, From the Notebooks of a Middle-School Princess, which is a spin-off of her beloved, awesome Princess Diaries series (and a bit of a companion piece to Royal Wedding, Book 11 in the series). Today, I'll be talking about what I would do and how I would feel if I suddenly found out I'm a prince but first, let's see what this new book is all about!

From the Notebooks of a Middle-School Princess by Meg Cabot
"Olivia Grace Clarisse Mignonette Harrison is a completely average twelve-year-old: average height, average weight, average brown hair of average length, average brown skin and average hazel eyes. The only things about her that aren't average are her name (too long and princess themed), her ability to draw animals (useful for her future career as a wildlife illustrator), and the fact that she is a half-orphan who has never met her father and is forced to live with her aunt and uncle (who treat her almost like their own kids, so she doesn't want to complain).

Then one completely average day, everything goes wrong: the most popular girl in school, Annabelle Jenkins, threatens to beat her up, the principal gives her a demerit, and she's knocked down at the bus stop . . .

Until a limo containing Princess Mia Thermopolis of Genovia pulls up to invite her to New York to finally meet her father, who promptly invites her to come live with him, Mia, Grandmère and her two fabulous poodles . . . .

Maybe Olivia Grace Clarisse Mignonette Harrison isn't so average after all!"- summary from Amazon

I feel like one of the perks of suddenly finding yourself as a prince (or princess) is being able to rub it in the faces of those who spurned you and made you feel less than, at least just a little bit. After that, this prince would be gracious and move on to bigger and better things. There are those people who stand by you through thick and thin, and you'll find someone who will love you for you (though finding that will certainly be difficult once you're a famous prince).

Anyway, as for other (more appropriate and classy) things I would do as a prince, I would want to try and help out with various charities to make life better for lower-income people, the homeless, and those affected by natural disasters. I'd also want to spend time and money promoting literacy everywhere and doing my best to ensure that libraries (both public and school) are properly funded and have current titles of all kinds of books (but especially YA though).

On the more selfish side of things, it'd also be nice to have a makeover and new wardrobe, like both Mia and Olivia Grace have in their respective books. I would certainly need it!! Until then, I'll just be a prince-in-training (Don't I look lovely?).

Macmillan is also providing me with a hardcover of From the Notebooks of a Middle-School Princess and a tiara (which I'm wearing in the photo above) to give away on this tour stop! Just leave a comment telling me what you would do if you suddenly found out you were a prince (or princess), and make sure there's a way for me to contact you. The contest will run until next Wednesday, May 13 at 9pm EST.

Follow along with the rest of the tour, and come back for my review of the book on Friday!


  1. This is so awesome! I'm a big fan of Meg Cabot ever since I was in High School! Anyway, if I suddenly found out I were a princess, I want to help a lot of people and of course, donate books to public libraries. :)


  2. I would help get teachers raises!
    annsavd at gmail dot com

  3. I will get books to give to some random people.

    tchjennifer at gmail dot com
