Friday, April 17, 2015

Tut: The Story of My Immortal Life by P.J. Hoover

Tut: The Story of My Immortal Life by P.J. Hoover
"You'd think it would be great being an Egyptian demigod, but if King Tut has to sit through eighth grade one more time, he'll mummify himself.

Granted the gift of immortality by the gods--or is it a curse?--Tut has been stuck in middle school for ages. Even worse, evil General Horemheb, the man who killed Tut's father and whom Tut imprisoned in a tomb for three thousand years, is out and after him. The general is in league with the Cult of Set, a bunch of guys who worship one of the scariest gods of the Egyptian pantheon--Set, the god of Chaos.

The General and the Cult of Set have plans for Tut… and if Tut doesn't find a way to keep out of their clutches, he'll never make it to the afterworld alive."- summary from Amazon

I've really enjoyed Hoover's previous books and was excited to see a new middle-grade from her, going back to her ancient history roots. That made it even better because I am a huge fan of Egyptian history and mythology. Hoover weaves humor, mystery and action so well together and it makes for a very compelling read. Young boys would definitely enjoy this book and I hope that there will be more of Tut in the future!

FTC: Received e-galley from Netgalley. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profits go toward funding contests.

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