Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Exquisite Captive Blogger Relay Giveaway!

Hey everyone! I have an awesome giveaway for you today- a hardcover copy of Exquisite Captive by Heather Demetrios (an awesome book!) with a signed bookplate to go along with it!

But first, the winner from yesterday's relay giveaway held by Misty of The Book Rat is: Teresa Whiteside!

Now, for my relay giveaway, all you have to do is just leave a comment (with your email address if it's not easily accessible by clicking on your blogger profile) on this post by midnight tonight telling me why you are excited to read Exquisite Captive! If you do not state why, you will not be entered. The giveaway is US only! The winner will be announced tomorrow over at Great Imaginations!

Below, find out more about Exquisite Captive!

Jinni. Empress. Warrior. Slave.

Nalia is a jinni of tremendous ancient power, the only survivor of a coup that killed nearly everyone she loved. Stuffed into a bottle and sold by a slave trader, she's now in hiding on the dark caravan, the lucrative jinni slave trade between Arjinna and Earth.

Enter Raif, the enigmatic leader of Arjinna's revolution and Nalia's sworn enemy. He promises to release Nalia from her master so that she can return to her ravaged homeland and free her imprisoned brother—all for an unbearably high price.

Battling a dark past and harboring a terrible secret, Nalia soon realizes her freedom may come at too terrible a cost. . .

In this gorgeous fantasy, Heather Demetrios brings to life a deliciously seductive world where a wish can be a curse and shadows are sometimes safer than the light.

Here's the rest of the relay schedule:

November 20th: Great Imaginations
November 21st: Falling For YA
November 24th: The Quirky Reader
November 25th: Book Whales
November 26th: The Best Books Ever
November 27th: The Unofficial Addiction Book Fan Club
November 28th: A Reading Nurse
December 1st: Michelle and Leslie’s Book Picks
December 2nd: Bewitched Bookworm
December 3rd: Bookish Broads
December 4th: Eater of Books


  1. I can't wait to read Exquisite Captive because it's so unique. You always hear about the genies (Jinni?) being the manipulative ones in these situations, not the human. I think it'll be a very interesting story.

  2. Amy ( 19, 2014 at 9:57 AM

    I want to read this book because I loved the author's first book, Something Real, and the synopsis for this book is so interesting!

  3. I'm excited about Exquisite Captive because it's written by Heather Demetrios and I ADORE her! (

  4. I adored Heather's first novel, Something Real and this one's take on Jinni's seems really cool and original! (

  5. I want to read Exquisite Captive because it's about a Jinni! I mean, how cool is that! And it just sounds amazing. (

  6. I am very excited to read Exquisite Captive because JINNI! That is definitely my newest obsession. ;D<3
    Thank for the giveaway!

    kellixx3 at yahoo dot com

  7. I'm excited to read EXQUISITE CAPTIVE because it seems like a diverse, unique story. I haven't ever read about a jinni, and it sounds fascinating! Thank you for the giveaway :)

  8. Who doesn't want to read about Jinni's? I've heard amazing things about this book! A completely original idea from a brilliant author! Thank you for the chance :)

  9. I met Heather at a five author event in East Lansing, MI the day after this was available. Went home, devoured her jinni tale! My students LOVE it too!

  10. I need more Jinni's in my life! And that the book is written by a highly recommended author is a huge bonus! Cannot wait to read it :)

    thebumblegirl @ rocketmail .com

  11. I read her upcoming I'LL MEET YOU THERE not long ago and absolutely loved it. Can't wait to explore this one.

  12. I'm very excited to read the book bc I've never read anything related to a jinni and I think it will be amazing to read something different like that.

  13. I'm excited to read this book, because of that cover and the plot is really different. I really hope to read.
    My email is vibranttcurlsx(at)gmail(dot)com

  14. Super excited for this book first because it's about Jinni! And eve more so because of the beautiful cover and the author's pinterest board and the map! All the pretties!

  15. I really want to win this book because I've been wanting to read it since April when I first heard of it! I love fantasy books, especially ones about jinnis. I've entered ALL of these giveaways and still haven't won yet XD The two guys in this book sound mysterious and wonderful. I love the premise too. Thanks for the giveaway!


  16. I want to read this book because the cover is amazing and I've never read a book about genies before.
