Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Broken Hearts, Fences and Other Things to Mend by Katie Finn

Broken Hearts, Fences, and Other Things to Mend by Katie Finn
"Gemma had her summer all planned out, but it takes sharp turn when she gets dumped and finds herself back in the Hamptons after a five-year absence.

Being there puts her at risk of bumping into Hallie, her former best friend (that is, before Gemma ruined her life). But people don’t hold grudges forever. Do they?

Gemma intends on making amends, but a small case of mistaken identity causes the people she knew years ago—including Hallie and her dreamy brother Josh—to believe she’s someone else. As though the summer wasn’t complicated enough already.

Can Gemma keep up the charade? Or will she be found out by the very people she’s been hiding from?"- summary from Amazon

I absolutely loved Finn's Top 8 trilogy and was so excited to see a new book (and trilogy!) being released from her this year. I completely flew through this book (well, when I was actually reading it; I was going through a difficult time while I was reading it and that detracted from my reading) and loved reading about Gemma's journey through summer. There were times where I was like "Just explain yourself, Gemma!" but then there wouldn't be as many hilarious, crazy moments throughout the book. This book is definitely funny; I laughed out loud many a time. The characters are all fun to read about and to get to know; I of course enjoyed the burgeoning friendship/relationship with Josh. But I also really enjoyed getting to know Gemma's family as well as the director her dad works for, his family, and the housekeeper/assistant. Also, there is a crazy-ass ending and I need the second book now, please.

Overall, a fantastic, fun start to a totally beach read trilogy and I cannot wait to read more!!

FTC: Received ARC from publisher. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.

1 comment:

  1. This one looks so cute! I'm going to have to check it out; along with the Top 8 trilogy since it seems to come highly suggested by you.
