Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Promise of Amazing by Robin Constantine

The Promise of Amazing by Robin Constantine
"Wren Caswell is average. Ranked in the middle of her class at Sacred Heart, she's not popular, not a social misfit. Wren is the quiet good girl who's always done what she's supposed to—only now, in her junior year, this passive strategy is backfiring. She wants to change but doesn't know how.

Grayson Barrett was the king of St. Gabe's: star of the lacrosse team, at the top of his class, and on the fast track to a brilliant future—until he was expelled for being a "term-paper pimp." Now Gray is in a downward spiral and needs to change but doesn't know how.

One fateful night, their paths cross at Wren's family's Arthurian-themed catering hall. What follows is the complicated, awkward, hilarious, and tender tale of two teens shedding their pasts, figuring out who they are—and falling in love."- summary from Amazon

I absolutely loved this contemporary romantic comedy; Constantine has written a fantastic debut filled with great characters, hilarious humor, a swoon-worthy romance, and wonderful emotional arcs. I really liked the dual narrative, which I do think helps a lot of romantic novels. It's interesting to be able to see and know both sides, especially when they are away from each other and dealing with other things. Wren and Grayson have some great chemistry and I loved reading scenes with the two of them together.

There was also a lot of family issues going on with each and it was nice to see a big presence from each family in the book. Usually, families aren't seen that much in YA novels. It really helped to flesh out Wren and Grayson and show a different side to them.

Overall, a really great debut and I'm excited to read more from Constantine!

FTC: Received ARC from publisher. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you liked this one. I have been meaning to read it since before it was published but I just haven't found the time. I'm glad there was a good family presence and the romance sounds like something I'll like.

    Great review!
