Monday, March 24, 2014

Marie Antoinette, Serial Killer by Katie Alender

Marie Antoinette, Serial Killer by Katie Alender
"Heads will roll!

Paris, France: a city of fashion, chocolate croissants, and cute boys. Colette Iselin is thrilled be there for the first time, on her spring break class trip.

But a series of gruesome murders are taking place around the city, putting everyone on edge. And as she tours the sights, Colette keeps seeing a strange vision: a pale woman in a ball gown and powdered wig, who looks like Marie Antoinette.

Colette knows her status-obsessed friends won't believe her, so she seeks out the help of a charming French boy. Together, they discover that the murder victims are all descendants of people who ultimately brought about Marie Antoinette's beheading. The queen's ghost has been awakened, and now she's wreaking her bloodthirsty revenge.

And Colette may just be one of those descendants . . . which means she might not make it out of this trip alive."- summary from Amazon

I really enjoyed Alender's first two books (and presumably third, whenever I get around to reading it) and was excited to finally have this new book out from her, especially with an awesome title like this one. I really adored this book- it's got such an intriguing mystery to it and Colette is a great main character that I enjoyed spending time with. I believe readers will definitely identify with Colette and some of the issues she's going through in the book with her life and friendships.

The prose was fresh, fun and compelling, and I loved following along on Colette's journey in Paris, which I think Alender captured the essence of very well. The romance throughout the book was enjoyable, and I particularly enjoyed the scene where Jules takes her back to his family's place for dinner- such a wonderful scene. I also think Alender handled it really well too, letting it build throughout the book slowly and realistically.

Overall, a great stand-alone title from Alender and I cannot wait to read more from her. She writes such fantastic ghost stories!

FTC: Received e-galley from Netgalley. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.

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