Thursday, January 16, 2014

Blog Tour- Going Rogue by Robin Benway

Going Rogue by Robin Benway
"Being permanently based in a local New York City high school as an undercover operative has its moments, good and bad, for 16-year-old safecracker Maggie Silver. Pros: More quality time with her former mark-turned-boyfriend Jesse Oliver and insanely cool best friend, Roux. Getting to spend quality time with her semi-retired and international spy honorary uncle, Angelo. Cons: High school and the accompanying cliques, bad lunches, and frustratingly simple locker combinations.

But when Maggie's parents are falsely accused of stealing priceless gold coins, Maggie uses her safecracking skills to try and clear their names. Too bad it only serves to put her and everyone she loves in danger. Maggie and her "new team" flee to Paris where they must come up with a plan to defeat their former allies."- summary from Amazon

I absolutely loved the previous book in this duology and was so excited that there was another book with these characters coming, and it did not let me down. It's even more action-packed and thrilling than the first, and still very hilarious too! Benway writes in such a compelling, breezy style for this series and it really makes the pages fly by. I love being surrounded by these characters from before, as well as getting to know a few new ones in the latter half of the book. It's tremendous fun reading about Maggie and her friends and this crazy spy adventure that they go on in this book.

Overall, I really hope this is not the end for the series even if I have to wait a couple years for another. I don't want to give up these awesome characters!! There's definitely room for another sequel, but I do think Benway left the characters in a good place if this is the end; it's handled very well.

and here's an interview with Robin!:
1) Going Rogue marks the second book in the Also Known As series. Was it different writing a continuing story as opposed to starting something new since this is your first series? Will there be more books in this series (please say yes!)?

It was SO different! But in a wonderful way, not a stressful way at all. I’ve always thought about all my characters and wondered what they were up to, so it was so lovely to go back and see Maggie and Roux and Angelo and follow up with their shenanigans. I just adore them.

As for another book, right now I’m working on something else.

2) What are you currently working on? Can you tell us anything about it?

Speaking of something else! I’m currently writing a book called “Emmy & Oliver” which is about a boy who’s kidnapped by his father when he’s seven and returns home when he’s seventeen. It’s told from his next door neighbor Emmy’s point of view. It’s probably the most serious book I’ve written so far, but the characters are still little wisecrackers. It’s been fun getting to know them.

3) What is your favorite Jelly Belly jelly bean flavor(s)? Or, if you don't like those, your favorite snack to have while writing or as a reward for writing?

TOASTED MARSHMALLOW. Anyone who says they don’t like toasted marshmallow is a liar. (I mean that in the nicest, most non-confrontational way possible.)

As for snacks, I don’t really need food as much as I do coffee. A lot of writing tends to happen in coffee shops, so I think it’s sort of snuck into my writing process by osmosis.

4) What are you reading right now, or are about to start? Any 2014 books you're excited for?

I just started E. Lockhart’s “We Were Liars” and literally made myself stop reading so I could answer these questions! I’m also excited to read Donna Tartt’s “The Goldfinch.” My New Year’s resolution this year (Blogger Note: this is referring to 2013) was to read 52 books in 52 weeks. I’m only on #39, though, but I still think that’s not too terrible.

5) What is your favorite part of writing YA literature and being part of the community?

Definitely interacting with readers and other YA writers. As far as readers, it’s such an intelligent, enthusiastic community. They ask good questions, say funny things, and make me want to write characters that are as bright & curious as them.

And with YA writers, it’s just a strong group of talented, kind people. I’ve made so many new friends and it’s always nice to be able to call someone when you have a question about the publishing industry or characters who just won’t behave. One of the most difficult aspects of being a writer is that I tend to spend a lot of time by myself, in my own head, so I’m glad that when I emerge from the writing cave, there are other people who “get it.”

FTC: Received e-galley from Netgalley. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.

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